笨笨 - Profile


Team Players
YOU STUPID OR WHAT? 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人
YOU STUPID OR WHAT? 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, 新北女神爪爪爪爪爪爪爪瓜爪爪爪爪爪爪爪
友善又笨笨的女神機器人 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, 新北女神爪爪爪爪爪爪爪瓜爪爪爪爪爪爪爪
友善又笨笨的機器人 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人
友善又笨笨的玩家 友善型玩家, 笨笨
笨笨的貓咪女神 Meow, 笨笨, 新北女神爪爪爪爪爪爪爪瓜爪爪爪爪爪爪爪
笨笨的機器人養了隻貓咪 Meow, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人
友善又笨笨的機器人養了隻貓咪 Meow, 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人
友善又笨笨的機器人很hapi 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, hapiting
笨笨又hapi的機器人 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, hapiting
笨笨的機器人和老鷹養了隻貓咪 Meow, 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, mamegoma (๑ˊωˋ๑)
笨笨的機器人 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人
友善又笨笨的女神很hapi 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 新北女神爪爪爪爪爪爪爪瓜爪爪爪爪爪爪爪, hapiting
來自板橋笨笨的機器人 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, 板橋積積陰陰德
笨笨的榴蓮貓要積積陰陰德 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, duriancat
笨笨的榴蓮貓 笨笨, duriancat
笨笨的皮卡也要積積陰陰德 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, melody26613
被小辣椒辣到的笨笨機器人 笨笨, 老舊的洗碗機器人, 南港小辣椒
友善又笨笨的皮卡 友善型玩家, 笨笨, melody26613
笨笨的皮卡也被小辣椒辣到了 笨笨, melody26613, 南港小辣椒
笨笨地騎著小馬的榴蓮貓 笨笨, duriancat, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬
笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬
被笨笨氣倒的榴蓮貓和皮卡 笨笨, duriancat, melody26613
笨笨升級成男神後迷倒了皮卡和機器人 笨笨, melody26613, 爽翻天了的洗碗機器人
榴蓮貓機器人和小馬全都笨笨笨笨笨 笨笨, duriancat, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人
笨笨的皮卡 笨笨, pikamomo
笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 笨笨, 南港小辣椒, 機械式洗碗的雪人, pikamomo
皮卡和機器人都不及小馬那麽笨笨笨笨笨 笨笨, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人, pikamomo
友善又笨笨的機器人跟老鷹打起架來 友善型玩家, 笨笨, mamegoma (๑ˊωˋ๑), 機械式洗碗的雪人
友善又笨笨的機器人遇見了皮卡 友善型玩家, 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, pikamomo
笨笨的小馬和皮卡都超愛小辣椒 笨笨, 南港小辣椒, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, pikamomo
榴蓮貓小馬母女組加皮卡都笨起來 笨笨, duriancat, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, pikamomo
笨笨的機器人和小馬想和小辣椒游泳去 笨笨, 南港小辣椒, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人
男神笨笨電死小馬和機器人 笨笨, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人
笨笨的機器人和小辣椒養了一隻QBcat 笨笨, 南港小辣椒, 機械式洗碗的雪人, QBcat
被榴蓮貓調教的笨笨小辣椒 笨笨, duriancat, 南港小辣椒
雪人告訴笨笨要首龜舉地騎小馬 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人
怕怕笨笨的雪人 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, Rango_Milk
笨笨好怕怕 笨笨, Rango_Milk
笨笨和聰明明最大反差組合 笨笨, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
笨笨騎著小馬去飛翔 笨笨, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬
笨笨的雪人和聰明明的meiko 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?, hi酱脸颊肉保护会
笨笨和聰明明養了隻龜龜 笨笨, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?, 小笨龜
雪人到底是笨笨的還是聰明明的? 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
我沒搞懂雪人和二二誰聰明明誰笨笨 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?, KarlieCharlie
笨笨的雪人請馬上積積陰陰德 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, 機械式洗碗的雪人
榴蓮貓教誨笨笨要首龜舉地騎小馬 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, duriancat, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬
笨笨的雪人和小馬養了隻貓咪 Meow, 笨笨, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人
笨笨的皮卡和雪人請首龜舉 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, 機械式洗碗的雪人, pikamomo
笨笨的皮卡和小馬好好首龜擧 笨笨, 板橋積積陰陰德, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, pikamomo
笨笨的雪人和聰明明向車老師問候身體健康 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, CharlesZ, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
雪人告訴笨笨小馬一點都不聰明明 笨笨, 在彩虹上復仇的小馬, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
笨笨和聰明明來亂的。小妖和怕怕別駡了 笨笨, 小妖, Rango_Milk, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
聰明明和雪人說RayBi沒有很笨笨 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, RayBi, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
聰明明告訴笨笨雪人不會負責滅火 笨笨, 我负责灭火, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?
笨笨 & Birdman 笨笨, bird man birdman
小妖小豬仙兒好好加油。笨笨來渾水摸個魚 笨笨, 小妖, Juliamo, 北极星2077
小妖和銀影笨笨的 笨笨, 小妖, Silvershadow_JK
笨笨說:是小妖呀QAQ! 笨笨, 小妖
小妖 & 奈寧 & nanako & 笨笨 nanako, 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧
笨笨上了小妖和她大可愛奈寧的車 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧
笨笨的龜龜上了小妖和奈寧的車車 笨笨, 小妖, 小笨龜, 奈寧
D & 笨笨 D, 笨笨
小妖奈寧和笨笨鬧得猶如八級大狂風 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧, 八級大狂風
D & 笨笨 & 染染 D, 笨笨, 染染
笨笨的小妖遇上一個神秘貓頭鷹 笨笨, 小妖, NARUTO
D & 笨笨 & 菜小媛 D, 笨笨, 菜小媛
反正小妖奈寧仙兒全都笨笨的 笨笨, 小妖, 北极星2077, 奈寧
小妖和奈寧給了笨笨一個澪分 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧,
小妖和柚柚說笨笨的價值是澪 笨笨, 小妖, , 柚一orz、
笨笨記得雪人和小妖喜歡吃芝士 笨笨, 小妖, cheese_eel, 機械式洗碗的雪人
雪人說小妖和笨笨囤菜只能打個澪分 笨笨, 小妖, 機械式洗碗的雪人,
小妖和雪人跟仙兒說笨笨其實不會囤菜 笨笨, 小妖, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 北极星2077
笨笨知道小妖和仙兒不喜歡吃芝士 笨笨, 小妖, cheese_eel, 北极星2077
D & 笨笨 & 腿毛鸡西施 D, 笨笨, 腿毛鸡西施
奈寧問小妖笨笨只喜歡吃芝士嗎 笨笨, 小妖, cheese_eel, 奈寧
笨笨這次不能給雪人打澪分了 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人,
笨笨别拔周的腿毛! 笨笨, 腿毛鸡西施, ZHOU!
笨笨真的只值個澪分 笨笨,
笨笨覺得小妖和雪人不對勁 笨笨, 小妖, 機械式洗碗的雪人
四隻小老鼠飛盤的故事 小熊, 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧
小妖 & 奈寧 & 笨笨 & MOMOTA 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧, MOMOTA
笨笨的雪人想和小妖和奈寧囤菜 笨笨, 小妖, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 奈寧
小妖直接給了笨笨一個澪分 笨笨, 小妖,
雪人和聰明明一起給笨笨一個澪分 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 聰明明每日一問:柑橘橘的手柄好了嗎?,
笨笨和奈寧不止澪分吧 笨笨, 奈寧,
小妖和柚柚是笨笨的 笨笨, 小妖, 柚一orz、
川川不是笨笨的 笨笨, 南川
摸摸它和圖圖以及笨笨的小妖只是隨便玩玩 笨笨, 小妖, MOMOTA, TUTUSHAQIMA
笨笨的周周想吃雪雕鸡腿 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 腿毛鸡西施, ZHOU!
笨笨的小妖和奈寧說BUGLAND無了 Dreamland, 笨笨, 小妖, 奈寧
笨笨和奈寧阿姨誰更黑? 笨笨, 奈寧
喜歡喝可樂的芝士月來月笨 笨笨, cheese_eel, 绯月, 可乐儿
雪人月來月笨 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 緋月
月月老師說笨笨的芝士值個澪分 笨笨, cheese_eel, 绯月,
笨笨的雪人怎麽就給了奈寧一個澪分 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 奈寧,
笨笨的雪人給芝士一個澪分 笨笨, cheese_eel, 機械式洗碗的雪人,
笨周失灵 笨笨, 腿毛鸡西施, , ZHOU!
夕夕月月雪雪笨笨 笨笨, 機械式洗碗的雪人, 绯月, 夕夕
笨笨月月=澪分 笨笨, 绯月,
西周笨士 笨笨, cheese_eel, 腿毛鸡西施, ZHOU!
veri笨笨 Veri_Berri, 笨笨
笨笨 是落在天上的叶子 叶子, 笨笨
笨笨的澪最愛吃芝士了 笨笨, cheese_eel,
笨鸡蛋 笨笨, 腿毛鸡西施,
真假笨菠萝 笨笨, 菠萝
笨灵桃 笨笨, , MOMOTA
笨周喂鸡 Veri_Berri, 笨笨, 腿毛鸡西施, ZHOU!
喂,笨鸡——— Veri_Berri, 笨笨, 腿毛鸡西施
Kary & 笨笨 kittikary, 笨笨
菠笨——YEAH 叶子, 笨笨, 菠萝
笨笨说:“好椰好椰!” 笨笨, 哥舒椰
菠萝吃了叉烧包和可乐后变得笨笨的 笨笨, 菠萝, 叉叉, 可乐
芝士焗笨鸡 笨笨, cheese_eel, 腿毛鸡西施
笨笨猪 笨笨, 里四猪猪
园来是笨蛋 笨笨, 阿园
The World is ONE 笨笨, 침낭, 봉구, 브라우니
芝士月火大月笨 笨笨, cheese_eel, 火大熊, 绯月
침笨笨낭 笨笨, 침낭
笨笨愛拔雪人的蘿蔔 笨笨, 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子
침낭&笨笨&브라이언&브라우니 笨笨, 침낭, 브라이언, 브라우니
절대 그의 경로를 방해하지마 笨笨, 크롱, 침낭, 브라이언
침낭&우주&笨笨 笨笨, 침낭, 우주
CODE:CORE 笨笨, 침낭, 프라임
침낭&笨笨&브라우니 笨笨, 침낭, 브라우니
冷冷做了一个又笨又魇的梦 笨笨, DeLuna, 粉绿梦星人, 冷冷
魚魚超甜對不隊 笨笨, yu.imfish, iko, ParadiseTea
笨笨叫冷冷在20度穿两件毛衣还开暖风机! 笨笨, 冷冷
笨笨 & iko 笨笨, iko
月来月笨的無敵ドラキュラ 笨笨, 绯月, DeLuna, 無敵パンダ
Genevieve & 笨笨 笨笨, genevieve


Date Place Score Level
2024-09-30 1st 1264 Surf 'n' Turf - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2024-09-23 1st 1688 Story - Tutorial Overcooked 2
2024-09-20 1st 1672 Story - 2-2 Overcooked 2
2024-09-16 1st 1884 World Food Festival - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2024-09-08 1st 2216 The Ever Peckish Rises - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2024-08-25 1st 951 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-2 Overcooked 2
2024-02-20 1st 1263 Surf 'n' Turf - Kevin Overcooked 2
2024-02-17 2nd 1372 Spring Festival - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2024-02-08 1st 1492 World Food Festival - 3-3 All You Can Eat
2023-07-11 1st 1728 Surf 'n' Turf - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2023-04-01 1st 1012 Moon Harvest - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2023-03-16 1st 1880 Carnival of Chaos - 1-4 All You Can Eat
2023-03-13 1st 1588 Story 2 - 2-6 All You Can Eat
2023-03-12 1st 988 Surf 'n' Turf - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2023-02-23 1st 1449 Birthday Party - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2023-02-21 1st 2320 Christmas - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2023-02-20 1st 1608 Winter Wonderland - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2023-02-11 1st 2184 World Food Festival - 2-2 All You Can Eat
2023-02-09 4th 2092 Carnival of Chaos - 3-2 Overcooked 2
2023-01-29 4th 1291 Story - 5-3 Overcooked 2
2023-01-14 1st 1308 Moon Harvest - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2023-01-04 1st 1684 Moon Harvest - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2023-01-03 1st 1768 Carnival of Chaos - 2-2 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 2nd 2764 Carnival of Chaos - 2-2 Overcooked 2
2023-01-02 1st 3400 Carnival of Chaos - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2022-12-09 1st 2056 Carnival of Chaos - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2022-12-03 1st 2020 Story - 6-3 Overcooked 2
2022-11-29 2nd 968 World Food Festival - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-11-24 1st 1492 Story - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2022-11-17 2nd 1888 Carnival of Chaos - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2022-11-07 1st 3057 World Food Festival - 3-4 All You Can Eat
2022-11-07 1st 971 World Food Festival - 3-2 All You Can Eat
2022-11-07 1st 1770 World Food Festival - 3-1 All You Can Eat
2022-11-07 1st 724 World Food Festival - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-10-25 1st 1313 Birthday Party - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-10-07 1st 1084 Christmas - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-10-05 1st 1128 Moon Harvest - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2022-10-04 1st 1742 Surf 'n' Turf - 2-4 Overcooked 2
2022-10-01 1st 1452 Campfire Cook Off - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2022-09-30 1st 1832 Story - 4-6 Overcooked 2
2022-09-29 2nd 1552 Story - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2022-09-25 2nd 1300 Campfire Cook Off - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2022-09-11 1st 3096 Winter Wonderland - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2022-08-30 1st 1160 Surf 'n' Turf - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2022-08-06 1st 2632 Story - 5-4 Overcooked 2
2022-08-05 1st 1320 Story - 4-3 Overcooked 2
2022-08-04 2nd 1028 Story 2 - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2022-08-04 1st 1584 The Ever Peckish Rises - 2-2 All You Can Eat
2022-08-02 2nd 1248 Carnival of Chaos - 2-1 All You Can Eat
2022-08-02 1st 1676 The Ever Peckish Rises - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-07-30 1st 1696 Carnival of Chaos - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2022-07-26 1st 1742 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2022-07-20 1st 1612 Story - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2022-06-24 1st 1664 Story - Kevin 5 Overcooked 2
2022-04-10 1st 1756 Story - Kevin 6 Overcooked 2
2022-03-15 1st 1440 Story - 4-2 Overcooked 2
2022-03-03 2nd 1128 Chinese New Year - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2022-02-27 2nd 1276 Story - 3-4 Overcooked 2
2022-02-27 1st 1912 Christmas - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2022-02-26 1st 2064 Spring Festival - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2022-02-21 2nd 1436 The Lost Morsel - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-20 1st 1636 Story 1 - 1-4 All You Can Eat
2022-02-18 1st 1388 The Lost Morsel - 1-4 All You Can Eat
2022-02-14 1st 1400 The Ever Peckish Rises - 2-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-13 2nd 953 Festive Seasoning - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-02-13 1st 1020 Story 1 - 4-4 All You Can Eat
2022-02-12 2nd 1332 Chinese New Year - 1-7 Overcooked 2
2022-02-09 1st 1684 Festive Seasoning - 1-6 All You Can Eat
2022-02-07 4th 1868 Story - Kevin 7 Overcooked 2
2022-02-05 1st 1079 The Lost Morsel - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-02-04 1st 1023 Story 1 - 4-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-04 1st 1248 Carnival of Chaos - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-04 1st 879 Campfire Cook Off - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-03 1st 1060 Festive Seasoning - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-01 1st 2168 Story 2 - 2-4 All You Can Eat
2022-02-01 2nd 2044 Story 2 - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-02-01 1st 1592 Story 2 - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-01-29 1st 1328 Chinese New Year - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-01-28 1st 1144 Spring Festival - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-01-28 2nd 2040 Winter Wonderland - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2022-01-26 1st 1654 Festive Seasoning - 1-7 All You Can Eat
2022-01-25 1st 938 Festive Seasoning - 1-8 All You Can Eat
2022-01-20 2nd 2224 Christmas - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2021-12-08 1st 1364 Festive Seasoning - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2021-11-29 3rd 2796 Christmas - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2021-11-22 2nd 1332 Birthday Party - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2021-11-22 2nd 1720 Birthday Party - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2021-10-28 1st 1400 Story - 5-1 Overcooked 2
2021-08-26 1st 1184 The Ever Peckish Rises - 2-4 All You Can Eat
2021-08-20 1st 1952 The Ever Peckish Rises - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2021-08-19 1st 1024 The Lost Morsel - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2021-08-04 1st 1260 Story - 4-1 Overcooked 2
2021-08-01 1st 1039 Story - 6-5 Overcooked 2
2021-08-01 1st 519 The Lost Morsel - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2021-07-28 1st 1004 Story 1 - 6-4 All You Can Eat
2021-07-27 1st 1568 Story 1 - 5-4 All You Can Eat
2021-07-16 1st 1332 Story 1 - 5-2 All You Can Eat
2021-07-12 2nd 1160 Story 1 - 3-3 All You Can Eat
2021-07-11 1st 907 Story 1 - 2-2 All You Can Eat
2021-07-10 1st 1568 Story 1 - 5-1 All You Can Eat
2021-07-06 1st 815 Story 1 - 6-1 All You Can Eat
2021-07-05 1st 853 Story 1 - 2-4 All You Can Eat
2021-07-04 1st 913 Story 1 - 2-3 All You Can Eat
2021-07-01 2nd 610 Story 1 - 6-3 All You Can Eat
2021-07-01 1st 1676 Story 1 - 2-1 All You Can Eat
2021-06-24 1st 1232 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2021-06-22 2nd 1176 Christmas - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2021-06-20 1st 1650 Story 1 - 5-3 All You Can Eat
2021-06-14 6th 2700 Carnival of Chaos - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2021-06-12 1st 2156 Story - 5-6 Overcooked 2
2021-06-02 1st 1308 Story - 5-5 Overcooked 2
2021-06-01 1st 1348 Story 1 - 1-6 All You Can Eat
2021-05-31 2nd 3044 Campfire Cook Off - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2021-05-30 2nd 1160 Story 1 - 3-4 All You Can Eat
2021-05-27 2nd 803 Story 1 - 4-2 All You Can Eat
2021-05-27 1st 907 Story 1 - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2021-05-27 2nd 1112 Story 1 - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2021-05-27 1st 1468 Story 1 - 3-1 All You Can Eat
2021-05-26 3rd 984 Story 1 - 6-2 All You Can Eat
2021-05-26 2nd 868 Story 1 - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2021-05-26 4th 3048 Story - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2021-05-22 3rd 2020 Spring Festival - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2021-05-21 1st 1832 Chinese New Year - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2021-05-16 1st 2248 Chinese New Year - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2021-05-14 1st 4072 Story - 2-4 Overcooked 2
2021-05-11 1st 1320 Spring Festival - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2021-05-08 1st 3356 Winter Wonderland - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2021-05-07 1st 1436 Story - 4-4 Overcooked 2
2021-05-03 1st 3280 Story - 2-6 Overcooked 2
2021-04-29 1st 1532 Story - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2021-04-28 1st 1039 Surf 'n' Turf - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2021-04-20 1st 2952 Winter Wonderland - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2021-04-19 2nd 1236 Night of the Hangry Horde - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2021-04-18 2nd 2264 Carnival of Chaos - 2-4 Overcooked 2
2021-04-07 2nd 4208 Campfire Cook Off - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2021-04-07 2nd 1324 Campfire Cook Off - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2021-04-04 2nd 1320 Story - 4-5 Overcooked 2
2021-04-02 2nd 1344 Story - 3-5 Overcooked 2
2021-04-01 1st 2504 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 2 Overcooked 2
2021-03-26 1st 2412 Night of the Hangry Horde - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2021-03-24 1st 3596 Carnival of Chaos - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2021-03-18 1st 1948 Moon Harvest - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2021-03-17 2nd 1808 Story - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2021-03-15 1st 2568 Carnival of Chaos - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2021-03-10 1st 1720 Night of the Hangry Horde - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2021-02-17 2nd 2568 Carnival of Chaos - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2021-02-04 2nd 911 Surf 'n' Turf - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-11-18 1st 2892 Sun’s Out, Buns Out - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-09-22 2nd 2964 Story - 1-2 Overcooked 2


1p 2024-09-30 笨笨 improved their score from 1204 points to 1264 points on 2-3 (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2024-09-23 笨笨 scored 1688 points on Tutorial (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2024-09-20 笨笨 scored 1672 points on 2-2 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2024-09-16 笨笨 improved their score from 1660 points to 1884 points on 1-3 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2024-09-08 笨笨 improved their score from 2104 points to 2216 points on 1-3 (The Ever Peckish Rises).
1p 2024-08-25 笨笨 scored 951 points on 3-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
1p 2024-02-20 笨笨 improved their score from 1223 points to 1263 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2024-02-17 笨笨 scored 1372 points on 1-4 (Spring Festival) and placed 2nd.
1p 2024-02-08 笨笨 improved their score from 1260 points to 1492 points on 3-3 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2023-07-11 笨笨 scored 1728 points on 3-3 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-04-01 笨笨 scored 1012 points on 1-3 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-03-16 笨笨 improved their score from 1748 points to 1880 points on 1-4 (Carnival of Chaos).
1p 2023-03-13 笨笨 scored 1588 points on 2-6 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-03-12 笨笨 scored 988 points on 1-1 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-02-23 笨笨 scored 1449 points on 1-5 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-02-21 笨笨 scored 2320 points on 1-2 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-02-20 笨笨 improved their score from 1496 points to 1608 points on 1-1 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2023-02-11 笨笨 improved their score from 1920 points to 2184 points on 2-2 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2023-02-09 笨笨 scored 2092 points on 3-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-01-29 笨笨 improved their score from 1191 points to 1291 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2023-01-14 笨笨 improved their score from 1216 points to 1308 points on 1-4 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2023-01-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1592 points to 1684 points on 1-3 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2023-01-03 笨笨 improved their score from 1596 points to 1768 points on 2-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2023-01-02 笨笨 scored 2764 points on 2-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-01-02 笨笨 scored 3400 points on 1-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-12-09 笨笨 improved their score from 1944 points to 2056 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-12-03 笨笨 improved their score from 1908 points to 2020 points on 6-3 (Story).
1p 2022-11-29 笨笨 scored 968 points on 1-2 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-24 笨笨 scored 1492 points on 2-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-17 笨笨 scored 1888 points on 3-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 3057 points on 3-4 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 1260 points on 3-3 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 971 points on 3-2 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 1770 points on 3-1 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 1920 points on 2-2 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 1660 points on 1-3 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-11-07 笨笨 scored 724 points on 1-1 (World Food Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-10-25 笨笨 scored 1313 points on 1-3 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-10-07 笨笨 scored 1084 points on 1-1 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-10-05 笨笨 scored 1128 points on 1-2 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-10-04 笨笨 scored 1742 points on 2-4 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-10-01 笨笨 improved their score from 1380 points to 1452 points on 2-3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-09-30 笨笨 scored 1832 points on 4-6 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-09-29 笨笨 improved their score from 1512 points to 1552 points on 1-3 (Story).
1p 2022-09-25 笨笨 scored 1300 points on 1-2 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-09-11 笨笨 improved their score from 2964 points to 3096 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland).
1p 2022-09-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1191 points to 1223 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2022-08-30 笨笨 scored 1160 points on 1-2 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-08-06 笨笨 scored 2632 points on 5-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-08-05 笨笨 scored 1320 points on 4-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-08-04 笨笨 scored 1028 points on 1-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-08-04 笨笨 scored 1584 points on 2-2 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-08-02 笨笨 scored 1248 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-08-02 笨笨 improved their score from 1512 points to 1676 points on 1-2 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-07-30 笨笨 scored 1696 points on 1-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-07-26 笨笨 improved their score from 1579 points to 1742 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-07-20 笨笨 improved their score from 1592 points to 1612 points on Kevin 3 (Story).
1p 2022-07-12 笨笨 scored 1592 points on Kevin 3 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-06-24 笨笨 scored 1664 points on Kevin 5 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-04-10 笨笨 scored 1756 points on Kevin 6 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-03-15 笨笨 improved their score from 1348 points to 1440 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-03-03 笨笨 improved their score from 1096 points to 1128 points on 1-4 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2022-02-27 笨笨 improved their score from 1212 points to 1276 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-02-27 笨笨 improved their score from 1820 points to 1912 points on 1-1 (Christmas).
1p 2022-02-26 笨笨 improved their score from 1972 points to 2064 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival).
1p 2022-02-21 笨笨 scored 1436 points on 1-1 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-20 笨笨 improved their score from 1604 points to 1636 points on 1-4 (Story 1).
1p 2022-02-18 笨笨 improved their score from 1264 points to 1388 points on 1-4 (The Lost Morsel).
1p 2022-02-17 笨笨 improved their score from 1584 points to 1604 points on 1-4 (Story 1).
1p 2022-02-14 笨笨 scored 1400 points on 2-1 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-13 笨笨 scored 953 points on 1-2 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-13 笨笨 scored 1020 points on 4-4 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-12 笨笨 improved their score from 1280 points to 1332 points on 1-7 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2022-02-09 笨笨 scored 1684 points on 1-6 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-07 笨笨 improved their score from 1736 points to 1868 points on Kevin 7 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 4th place).
1p 2022-02-06 笨笨 scored 1264 points on 1-4 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-05 笨笨 scored 1079 points on 1-3 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1003 points to 1023 points on 4-1 (Story 1).
1p 2022-02-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1208 points to 1248 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos).
1p 2022-02-04 笨笨 scored 879 points on 1-1 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-03 笨笨 scored 1060 points on 1-1 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-01 笨笨 scored 2168 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-01 笨笨 scored 2044 points on 1-2 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-01 笨笨 scored 1592 points on 1-1 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-01-29 笨笨 scored 1328 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-01-28 笨笨 scored 1144 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-01-28 笨笨 scored 2040 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-01-27 笨笨 scored 1496 points on 1-1 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-01-26 笨笨 improved their score from 1520 points to 1654 points on 1-7 (Festive Seasoning).
1p 2022-01-25 笨笨 scored 938 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-01-20 笨笨 scored 2224 points on 1-5 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-12-18 笨笨 scored 1520 points on 1-7 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-12-08 笨笨 scored 1364 points on 1-5 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-11-29 笨笨 improved their score from 2756 points to 2796 points on 1-4 (Christmas).
1p 2021-11-22 笨笨 scored 1332 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-11-22 笨笨 scored 1720 points on 1-1 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-11-22 笨笨 scored 2756 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-11-01 笨笨 scored 2104 points on 1-3 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-10-28 笨笨 improved their score from 1380 points to 1400 points on 5-1 (Story).
1p 2021-08-28 笨笨 scored 1512 points on 1-2 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-08-26 笨笨 scored 1184 points on 2-4 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-08-20 笨笨 scored 1952 points on 1-1 (The Ever Peckish Rises) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-08-19 笨笨 scored 1024 points on 1-2 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-08-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1128 points to 1260 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-08-01 笨笨 improved their score from 1019 points to 1039 points on 6-5 (Story).
1p 2021-08-01 笨笨 scored 519 points on 1-5 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-29 笨笨 scored 1596 points on 2-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-28 笨笨 scored 1004 points on 6-4 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-27 笨笨 scored 1568 points on 5-4 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-19 笨笨 scored 1748 points on 1-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-18 笨笨 scored 1208 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-16 笨笨 scored 1332 points on 5-2 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-12 笨笨 scored 1160 points on 3-3 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-11 笨笨 scored 907 points on 2-2 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-10 笨笨 improved their score from 1456 points to 1568 points on 5-1 (Story 1).
1p 2021-07-09 笨笨 scored 1456 points on 5-1 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-06 笨笨 scored 815 points on 6-1 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-05 笨笨 scored 853 points on 2-4 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-04 笨笨 scored 913 points on 2-3 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-04 笨笨 improved their score from 943 points to 1003 points on 4-1 (Story 1).
1p 2021-07-01 笨笨 scored 610 points on 6-3 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-01 笨笨 scored 943 points on 4-1 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-07-01 笨笨 scored 1676 points on 2-1 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-06-24 笨笨 improved their score from 1200 points to 1232 points on 3-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde).
1p 2021-06-22 笨笨 improved their score from 1144 points to 1176 points on 1-3 (Christmas).
1p 2021-06-22 笨笨 scored 1200 points on 3-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-06-20 笨笨 scored 1650 points on 5-3 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-06-17 笨笨 scored 1512 points on 1-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-06-14 笨笨 improved their score from 2568 points to 2700 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos).
1p 2021-06-12 笨笨 improved their score from 2064 points to 2156 points on 5-6 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-06-07 笨笨 scored 2064 points on 5-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2021-06-02 笨笨 scored 1308 points on 5-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-06-01 笨笨 scored 1348 points on 1-6 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-31 笨笨 improved their score from 2952 points to 3044 points on 1-1 (Campfire Cook Off).
1p 2021-05-30 笨笨 scored 1160 points on 3-4 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-29 笨笨 improved their score from 1012 points to 1096 points on 1-4 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2021-05-29 笨笨 scored 1584 points on 1-4 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-27 笨笨 scored 803 points on 4-2 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-27 笨笨 scored 907 points on 1-5 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-27 笨笨 scored 1112 points on 1-3 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-27 笨笨 scored 1468 points on 3-1 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-26 笨笨 scored 984 points on 6-2 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-26 笨笨 scored 868 points on 1-2 (Story 1) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-26 笨笨 improved their score from 2944 points to 3048 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2021-05-24 笨笨 improved their score from 2832 points to 2964 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland).
1p 2021-05-22 笨笨 improved their score from 1260 points to 1280 points on 1-7 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2021-05-22 笨笨 improved their score from 1876 points to 2020 points on 1-2 (Spring Festival).
1p 2021-05-21 笨笨 improved their score from 1720 points to 1832 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2021-05-19 笨笨 improved their score from 1296 points to 1348 points on 4-2 (Story).
1p 2021-05-17 笨笨 improved their score from 1624 points to 1720 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2021-05-16 笨笨 improved their score from 2156 points to 2248 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2021-05-14 笨笨 improved their score from 3960 points to 4072 points on 2-4 (Story).
1p 2021-05-13 笨笨 improved their score from 1752 points to 1908 points on 6-3 (Story).
1p 2021-05-11 笨笨 scored 1320 points on 1-3 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-10 笨笨 improved their score from 1184 points to 1216 points on 1-4 (Moon Harvest).
1p 2021-05-09 笨笨 scored 1184 points on 1-4 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-08 笨笨 improved their score from 3224 points to 3356 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland).
1p 2021-05-07 笨笨 improved their score from 1220 points to 1436 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-05-03 笨笨 improved their score from 3208 points to 3280 points on 2-6 (Story).
1p 2021-05-01 笨笨 improved their score from 2880 points to 2952 points on 1-1 (Campfire Cook Off).
1p 2021-04-30 笨笨 improved their score from 2064 points to 2156 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2021-04-30 笨笨 improved their score from 1880 points to 1972 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival).
1p 2021-04-29 笨笨 improved their score from 3044 points to 3208 points on 2-6 (Story).
1p 2021-04-29 笨笨 improved their score from 1244 points to 1532 points on 1-5 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-28 笨笨 improved their score from 999 points to 1039 points on 1-4 (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2021-04-25 笨笨 improved their score from 959 points to 999 points on 1-4 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-23 笨笨 improved their score from 1200 points to 1220 points on 4-4 (Story).
1p 2021-04-23 笨笨 improved their score from 1140 points to 1212 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-21 笨笨 scored 959 points on 1-4 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 2nd.
1p 2021-04-20 笨笨 improved their score from 2708 points to 2952 points on 1-1 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-19 笨笨 improved their score from 1100 points to 1236 points on Kevin 3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-18 笨笨 improved their score from 2108 points to 2264 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2021-04-15 笨笨 improved their score from 1420 points to 1592 points on 1-3 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-13 笨笨 improved their score from 1080 points to 1144 points on 1-3 (Christmas).
1p 2021-04-12 笨笨 improved their score from 1473 points to 1579 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-11 笨笨 improved their score from 1644 points to 1736 points on Kevin 7 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2021-04-08 笨笨 improved their score from 2840 points to 2944 points on 1-1 (Story).
1p 2021-04-08 笨笨 improved their score from 1616 points to 1820 points on 1-1 (Christmas).
1p 2021-04-07 笨笨 improved their score from 4076 points to 4208 points on 1-3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-04-07 笨笨 improved their score from 1059 points to 1324 points on Kevin 1 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2021-04-07 笨笨 improved their score from 1167 points to 1191 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2021-04-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1260 points to 1320 points on 4-5 (Story).
1p 2021-04-02 笨笨 scored 1344 points on 3-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-04-01 笨笨 improved their score from 2392 points to 2504 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-03-30 笨笨 improved their score from 2280 points to 2392 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos).
1p 2021-03-28 笨笨 improved their score from 1832 points to 1944 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2021-03-26 笨笨 improved their score from 950 points to 1100 points on Kevin 3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2021-03-26 笨笨 improved their score from 2320 points to 2412 points on 1-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde).
1p 2021-03-25 笨笨 improved their score from 1808 points to 1832 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos).
1p 2021-03-25 笨笨 improved their score from 2136 points to 2320 points on 1-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-03-25 笨笨 improved their score from 1151 points to 1191 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2021-03-24 笨笨 improved their score from 3200 points to 3596 points on 1-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-03-23 笨笨 improved their score from 1127 points to 1151 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2021-03-20 笨笨 improved their score from 959 points to 1019 points on 6-5 (Story).
1p 2021-03-19 笨笨 scored 959 points on 6-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-03-18 笨笨 scored 1948 points on 1-1 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-03-17 笨笨 scored 1808 points on Kevin 1 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-03-15 笨笨 improved their score from 2304 points to 2568 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-03-10 笨笨 scored 1720 points on 2-1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-02-28 笨笨 scored 1204 points on 2-3 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-02-26 笨笨 improved their score from 1276 points to 1380 points on 2-3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-02-23 笨笨 improved their score from 1308 points to 1380 points on 5-1 (Story).
1p 2021-02-22 笨笨 improved their score from 1288 points to 1308 points on 5-1 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-02-17 笨笨 improved their score from 2304 points to 2568 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-02-15 笨笨 improved their score from 2436 points to 2568 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-02-13 笨笨 improved their score from 1208 points to 1260 points on 1-7 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-02-04 笨笨 scored 911 points on 1-3 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 2nd.
1p 2021-02-03 笨笨 improved their score from 1116 points to 1128 points on 4-1 (Story).
1p 2021-02-01 笨笨 improved their score from 1096 points to 1116 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2021-01-28 笨笨 improved their score from 1036 points to 1096 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2021-01-06 笨笨 improved their score from 1036 points to 1080 points on 1-3 (Christmas) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-12-24 笨笨 improved their score from 2700 points to 2832 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-11-18 笨笨 improved their score from 2524 points to 2892 points on 1-1 (Sun’s Out, Buns Out) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-11-08 笨笨 scored 1644 points on Kevin 7 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-10-31 笨笨 scored 1420 points on 1-3 (Moon Harvest) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-10-25 笨笨 improved their score from 1536 points to 1624 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year).
1p 2020-10-22 笨笨 scored 1536 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-10-19 笨笨 improved their score from 873 points to 1012 points on 1-4 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-10-16 笨笨 scored 1200 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-10-13 笨笨 improved their score from 1868 points to 2108 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-10-09 笨笨 improved their score from 1720 points to 1808 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-10-08 笨笨 improved their score from 1224 points to 1296 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-10-06 笨笨 scored 1224 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-10-02 笨笨 scored 873 points on 1-4 (Chinese New Year) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-09-24 笨笨 improved their score from 1648 points to 1752 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-09-23 笨笨 improved their score from 1588 points to 1648 points on 6-3 (Story).
1p 2020-09-22 笨笨 scored 1588 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-09-22 笨笨 scored 1276 points on 2-3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-09-22 笨笨 improved their score from 2780 points to 2964 points on 1-2 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-09-20 笨笨 improved their score from 1024 points to 1140 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-09-18 笨笨 improved their score from 2264 points to 2304 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-09-16 笨笨 scored 1876 points on 1-2 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-09-15 笨笨 scored 1208 points on 1-7 (Chinese New Year) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-09-14 笨笨 improved their score from 2972 points to 3044 points on 2-6 (Story).
1p 2020-09-12 笨笨 scored 3960 points on 2-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-09-12 笨笨 scored 1036 points on 1-3 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-09-09 笨笨 scored 1036 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-09-08 笨笨 improved their score from 1004 points to 1024 points on 3-4 (Story).
1p 2020-09-08 笨笨 scored 1004 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-09-07 笨笨 improved their score from 1608 points to 1720 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 4th (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-09-06 笨笨 improved their score from 1071 points to 1167 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-09-06 笨笨 improved their score from 1236 points to 1288 points on 5-1 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-09-04 笨笨 improved their score from 2304 points to 2436 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-09-04 笨笨 improved their score from 1580 points to 1868 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 4th (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-09-03 笨笨 improved their score from 1348 points to 1608 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 5th (improved from 7th place).
1p 2020-09-03 笨笨 improved their score from 1373 points to 1473 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-09-02 笨笨 improved their score from 1270 points to 1373 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-08-30 笨笨 improved their score from 2788 points to 2972 points on 2-6 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-30 笨笨 improved their score from 2056 points to 2280 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-08-29 笨笨 improved their score from 1208 points to 1260 points on 4-5 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-26 笨笨 improved their score from 2028 points to 2304 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 5th (improved from 7th place).
1p 2020-08-24 笨笨 improved their score from 3072 points to 3224 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-24 笨笨 improved their score from 2624 points to 2880 points on 1-1 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-19 笨笨 improved their score from 1087 points to 1127 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2020-08-12 笨笨 improved their score from 1055 points to 1087 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2020-08-11 笨笨 improved their score from 845 points to 950 points on Kevin 3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-08-11 笨笨 scored 2056 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-08-10 笨笨 improved their score from 1167 points to 1270 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 4th (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-08-10 笨笨 improved their score from 1788 points to 2064 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-08-09 笨笨 scored 4076 points on 1-3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-08-09 笨笨 scored 2624 points on 1-1 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-08-07 笨笨 improved their score from 1604 points to 1880 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-06 笨笨 scored 2524 points on 1-1 (Sun’s Out, Buns Out) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-08-06 笨笨 improved their score from 2588 points to 2700 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-04 笨笨 scored 1236 points on 5-1 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-08-03 笨笨 improved their score from 2372 points to 2708 points on 1-1 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-08-02 笨笨 improved their score from 2808 points to 3072 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland).
1p 2020-08-02 笨笨 improved their score from 2548 points to 2588 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland).
1p 2020-07-28 笨笨 improved their score from 1053 points to 1071 points on 5-3 (Story).
1p 2020-07-28 笨笨 improved their score from 1952 points to 2136 points on 1-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-07-27 笨笨 improved their score from 2176 points to 2548 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-07-26 笨笨 scored 2264 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-07-25 笨笨 scored 2788 points on 2-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-07-24 笨笨 improved their score from 1436 points to 1580 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 4th (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-07-23 笨笨 improved their score from 2412 points to 2780 points on 1-2 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-07-23 笨笨 improved their score from 2632 points to 2840 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 6th place).
1p 2020-07-21 笨笨 scored 1053 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-07-19 笨笨 improved their score from 2540 points to 3200 points on 1-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-07-19 笨笨 improved their score from 2040 points to 2304 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-07-17 笨笨 improved their score from 1016 points to 1208 points on 4-5 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-07-16 笨笨 improved their score from 1544 points to 1616 points on 1-1 (Christmas) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-07-15 笨笨 improved their score from 839 points to 1059 points on Kevin 1 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-07-15 笨笨 improved their score from 1400 points to 1436 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-07-12 笨笨 improved their score from 1043 points to 1055 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2020-07-11 笨笨 improved their score from 1015 points to 1043 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2020-07-10 笨笨 scored 1167 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-07-09 笨笨 improved their score from 1848 points to 2028 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd (improved from 5th place).
1p 2020-07-09 笨笨 improved their score from 964 points to 1016 points on 4-5 (Story) and placed 4th (improved from 6th place).
1p 2020-07-08 笨笨 improved their score from 1003 points to 1015 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2020-07-07 笨笨 improved their score from 943 points to 1003 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
1p 2020-06-28 笨笨 scored 845 points on Kevin 3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-06-28 笨笨 improved their score from 903 points to 943 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
1p 2020-06-27 笨笨 improved their score from 831 points to 903 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-06-26 笨笨 scored 1604 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-06-21 笨笨 scored 839 points on Kevin 1 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-06-21 笨笨 scored 964 points on 4-5 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2020-06-19 笨笨 improved their score from 715 points to 831 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
1p 2020-06-19 笨笨 scored 1848 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-06-18 笨笨 scored 1952 points on 1-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-06-17 笨笨 scored 2808 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-06-17 笨笨 scored 2176 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-06-16 笨笨 scored 1400 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-06-16 笨笨 scored 2412 points on 1-2 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2020-06-15 笨笨 scored 1244 points on 1-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
1p 2020-06-14 笨笨 scored 2632 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2020-06-14 笨笨 scored 2540 points on 1-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-06-14 笨笨 improved their score from 1908 points to 2040 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
1p 2020-06-14 笨笨 scored 1908 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
1p 2020-06-14 笨笨 scored 1348 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 5th.
1p 2020-06-13 笨笨 scored 715 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 4th.
1p 2020-06-13 笨笨 improved their score from 1460 points to 1544 points on 1-1 (Christmas).
1p 2020-06-11 笨笨 scored 2372 points on 1-1 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-06-09 笨笨 scored 1788 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-06-09 笨笨 scored 1460 points on 1-1 (Christmas) and placed 1st.