笨笨的榴蓮貓 - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2020-09-26 9th 1532 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-2 Overcooked 2
2020-08-10 8th 1391 Surf 'n' Turf - Kevin Overcooked 2
2020-08-10 10th 2686 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2020-08-10 7th 2156 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2020-08-06 11th 3176 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 2 Overcooked 2


2p 2020-09-26 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 improved their score from 1360 points to 1532 points on 3-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
2p 2020-08-10 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 improved their score from 1077 points to 1391 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf).
2p 2020-08-10 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 scored 2686 points on Kevin 3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd.
2p 2020-08-10 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 scored 1360 points on 3-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 3rd.
2p 2020-08-10 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 scored 2156 points on 3-1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 3rd.
2p 2020-08-06 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 improved their score from 2952 points to 3176 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
2p 2020-06-19 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 scored 2952 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
2p 2020-06-18 Team 笨笨的榴蓮貓 scored 1077 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 3rd.