Position | Player | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Reggie Kuo | 2928 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmoZRh9DBfk | 2022-09-03 |
2nd | 随缘 | 2816 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ga4y1P7rZ/ | 2023-04-21 |
3rd | 笨笨 | 2796 | https://youtu.be/tc8-03ub5DI | 2021-11-29 |
4th | 玻纤路典狱长 | 2756 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1AY4y167Nt?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 | 2022-05-20 |
5th | 招兵买马 | 2492 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bu4y1q73f/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=23bdcb893069a77a8a3c4ef6e6da5c99 | 2023-08-18 |
6th | lemury | 2452 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zy4y1k7iZ | 2021-01-28 |
7th | UES Chefs | 2308 | https://youtu.be/p_G7nnaA_H0 | 2020-11-04 |
8th | Apple | 2296 | https://youtu.be/iIDDR3pIxvk | 2019-11-04 |
9th | Overtyr | 2122 | https://youtu.be/kdxsviHEDQo | 2018-12-18 |
10th | steeldaggerx | 1800 | https://youtu.be/3fV39dmo44k | 2024-05-12 |
11th | dog | 1619 | https://youtu.be/Q4doQuZJMII | 2020-05-24 |
12th | charphira | 1439 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ucpbeLE1C/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=ac33d0b0dc53a2d027ac1509f68731fd | 2024-09-07 |
1p 2024-09-07 charphira scored 1439 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 12th. |
1p 2024-05-12 steeldaggerx scored 1800 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 10th. |
1p 2023-08-18 招兵买马 improved their score from 2452 points to 2492 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 5th (improved from 6th place). |
1p 2023-04-21 随缘 scored 2816 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
1p 2023-04-12 招兵买马 improved their score from 2308 points to 2452 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 5th (improved from 6th place). |
1p 2022-09-03 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2732 points to 2928 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place). |
1p 2022-05-20 玻纤路典狱长 improved their score from 2624 points to 2756 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place). |
1p 2022-03-06 玻纤路典狱长 improved their score from 2520 points to 2624 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2022-02-26 招兵买马 improved their score from 2076 points to 2308 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 6th (improved from 8th place). |
1p 2022-01-28 玻纤路典狱长 scored 2520 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
1p 2021-11-29 笨笨 improved their score from 2756 points to 2796 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2021-11-23 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2664 points to 2732 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2021-11-22 笨笨 scored 2756 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
1p 2021-11-11 招兵买马 improved their score from 1984 points to 2076 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2021-10-26 招兵买马 improved their score from 1944 points to 1984 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2021-09-19 招兵买马 scored 1944 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 6th. |
1p 2021-01-28 lemury scored 2452 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
1p 2020-11-04 UES Chefs improved their score from 2216 points to 2308 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place). |
1p 2020-11-03 UES Chefs scored 2216 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
1p 2020-10-22 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2624 points to 2664 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2020-08-07 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2572 points to 2624 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2020-07-30 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2492 points to 2572 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2020-06-13 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2480 points to 2492 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2020-05-27 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2308 points to 2480 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
1p 2020-05-24 dog scored 1619 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 4th. |
1p 2020-05-08 Reggie Kuo improved their score from 2128 points to 2308 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place). |
1p 2020-04-22 Reggie Kuo scored 2128 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
1p 2019-11-04 Apple scored 2296 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
1p 2018-12-18 Overtyr scored 2122 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
2p 2024-12-26 Team Donk & Bin scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 4th. |
2p 2024-03-04 Team Jen & Milk Pan scored 3200 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 10th. |
2p 2023-10-24 Team 침ぱんだ낭 improved their score from 3748 points to 3880 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place). |
2p 2023-06-04 Team 침ぱんだ낭 scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2023-04-30 Team Ayame hoho & Shik scored 3028 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 11th. |
2p 2022-12-19 Team ode scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2022-11-29 Team omochi43029 & wing-27 improved their score from 2820 points to 3064 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 9th (improved from 14th place). |
2p 2022-11-24 Team omochi43029 & wing-27 scored 2820 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 14th. |
2p 2022-10-20 Team Ale&Eli scored 2379 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 20th. |
2p 2021-12-05 Team 笨笨真的只值個澪分 scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
2p 2021-11-08 Team nanako&波波 scored 2719 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 15th. |
2p 2021-10-03 Team KILO scored 2884 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 9th. |
2p 2021-05-24 Team Ayame hoho & YuuLC scored 2844 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 11th. |
2p 2021-04-14 Team The B.B. Team pets scored 2772 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 12th. |
2p 2021-04-07 Team 笨笨和奈寧阿姨誰更黑? scored 3616 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2020-12-21 Team 台灣料理公會 scored 3420 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 4th. |
2p 2020-10-05 Team D & 我负责灭火 scored 3616 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2020-10-04 Team Hozzie improved their score from 3444 points to 3616 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
2p 2020-09-08 Team Hozzie scored 3444 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
2p 2020-09-05 Team TURSH & MTL scored 2848 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 5th. |
2p 2020-06-02 Team D & Madeline scored 3212 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2020-06-01 Team Reggie kuo & Durian_cat scored 3016 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2020-05-27 Team The Cousins scored 2791 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2020-01-13 Team Iris Sit & Lokininey scored 2271 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 6th. |
2p 2019-09-05 Team 蛋蛋 兔子 scored 3432 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
2p 2019-08-27 Team MixarThe scored 2532 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2019-08-26 Team Team Turtles scored 2520 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2019-04-04 Team Phrozen2nd & EBceleb03 scored 2388 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2019-01-13 Team Loem scored 3188 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | 笨笨的小妖遇上一個神秘貓頭鷹 | 4052 | https://youtu.be/QNH3XfgH8LM | 2020-10-27 |
2nd | 你若折我半扇翅膀我定毁你整个天堂 | 4052 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1z14y137sq/ | 2022-12-31 |
3rd | Reggie kuo & Durian cat & pikabon chou | 3748 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGx7bzKGmHo | 2020-06-13 |
4th | D & Balindashun & Veri_Berri | 3616 | https://youtu.be/boC_HyPyMFU | 2020-06-11 |
5th | pigurourou | 3432 | https://youtu.be/ax-5lf1nGLk?si=HHrNtHJEkfQ2VCQP | 2024-08-09 |
6th | Ayame hoho, YuuLC and Valery | 3356 | https://youtu.be/AvXYMigTW8c | 2023-05-07 |
7th | The Furry B.B. Team | 3260 | https://youtu.be/xZ8OkBRuF-U | 2021-04-17 |
8th | #gojer | 3068 | https://youtu.be/ab_YHD-4XS0 | 2020-05-27 |
9th | D & lindasweetheart & Madeline | 3014 | https://youtu.be/o-clzAGv_5s | 2020-02-05 |
10th | Kevin's Companions | 2459 | https://youtu.be/msh0qj55Pc0 | 2020-05-23 |
3p 2024-08-09 Team pigurourou improved their score from 3236 points to 3432 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 5th (improved from 7th place). |
3p 2024-01-07 Team pigurourou scored 3236 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 7th. |
3p 2023-05-07 Team Ayame hoho, YuuLC and Valery scored 3356 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 5th. |
3p 2022-12-31 Team 你若折我半扇翅膀我定毁你整个天堂 improved their score from 4012 points to 4052 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
3p 2022-12-21 Team 你若折我半扇翅膀我定毁你整个天堂 scored 4012 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2021-04-17 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 3220 points to 3260 points on 1-4 (Christmas). |
3p 2020-12-31 Team The Furry B.B. Team scored 3220 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 4th. |
3p 2020-10-27 Team 笨笨的小妖遇上一個神秘貓頭鷹 scored 4052 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-06-13 Team Reggie kuo & Durian cat & pikabon chou improved their score from 3404 points to 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place). |
3p 2020-06-11 Team D & Balindashun & Veri_Berri scored 3616 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-06-01 Team Reggie kuo & Durian cat & pikabon chou scored 3404 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-05-27 Team #gojer scored 3068 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2459 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2020-02-05 Team D & lindasweetheart & Madeline scored 3014 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | 笨笨的周周想吃雪雕鸡腿 | 4092 | https://youtu.be/WBPclWR1Bws | 2021-04-14 |
2nd | 雪人和聰明明一起給笨笨一個澪分 | 4052 | https://youtu.be/6r42JUhXmZI | 2020-12-29 |
3rd | 今夜柚梦魇 | 4012 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DP4y1D7KQ/ | 2022-12-16 |
4th | D & Madeline & Shawn & 叶子 | 3748 | https://youtu.be/S1tc5cBANB0 | 2020-06-10 |
5th | Reggie kuo & Durian cat & Chloechung12 & pikabon chou | 3748 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7sw32up6hw | 2020-06-13 |
6th | Foxiletta / Hohipster / Piglet / Aumamie | 3748 | https://youtu.be/fmVvorj9MfA | 2020-08-25 |
7th | Reggie kuo & Durian cat & Chloechung12 & Bingo4ni | 3528 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7oIYZK-3-M | 2020-05-06 |
8th | 新来的去刷盘子 | 2319 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oZ4y1b7qu/ | 2022-05-30 |
4p 2022-12-16 Team 今夜柚梦魇 scored 4012 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2022-05-30 Team 新来的去刷盘子 scored 2319 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 7th. |
4p 2021-04-14 Team 笨笨的周周想吃雪雕鸡腿 scored 4092 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-12-29 Team 雪人和聰明明一起給笨笨一個澪分 scored 4052 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-08-25 Team Foxiletta / Hohipster / Piglet / Aumamie scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2020-06-13 Team Reggie kuo & Durian cat & Chloechung12 & pikabon chou scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd. |
4p 2020-06-10 Team D & Madeline & Shawn & 叶子 scored 3748 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-05-06 Team Reggie kuo & Durian cat & Chloechung12 & Bingo4ni scored 3528 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st. |