Kevin's Companions - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2020-06-22 6th 1571 Story - 5-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-29 11th 2348 Story - 1-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-29 5th 1368 Story - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-27 7th 1131 Story - 6-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-27 17th 2368 Story - 5-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-26 13th 2168 Story - 2-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-26 12th 1428 Story - 4-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 14th 1656 Chinese New Year - 1-7 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 20th 1297 Chinese New Year - 1-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 11th 1225 Spring Festival - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 9th 1824 Spring Festival - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 11th 1540 Spring Festival - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 9th 2100 Spring Festival - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 6th 1916 Spring Festival - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 10th 1952 Winter Wonderland - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 4th 3336 Winter Wonderland - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 5th 2468 Winter Wonderland - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 15th 1661 Chinese New Year - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 11th 1368 Chinese New Year - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 13th 1573 Chinese New Year - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 6th 1776 Chinese New Year - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 7th 2320 Chinese New Year - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 14th 1727 Christmas - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 10th 2459 Christmas - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 4th 2692 Christmas - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 16th 1333 Christmas - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 3rd 1532 Christmas - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 5th 1476 Story - Tutorial Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 9th 1190 Story - Kevin 8 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 10th 1651 Story - Kevin 7 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 8th 1442 Story - Kevin 6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 14th 1532 Story - Kevin 5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 11th 1611 Story - Kevin 4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 12th 1110 Story - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 16th 1980 Story - Kevin 2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 15th 2024 Story - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 10th 3148 Story - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-23 14th 3724 Story - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-19 14th 2076 Story - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 6th 07:31 Story - 6-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 10th 1486 Story - 6-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 12th 1746 Story - 6-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 13th 909 Story - 6-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 4th 2012 Story - 6-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 8th 2072 Story - 5-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 8th 1043 Story - 5-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 6th 1764 Story - 5-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 11th 1828 Story - 5-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 8th 1600 Story - 4-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 13th 1436 Story - 4-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 19th 1564 Story - 4-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 13th 1476 Story - 4-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 9th 2392 Story - 3-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 9th 1248 Story - 3-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 20th 1916 Story - 3-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 8th 1224 Story - 4-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 17th 1612 Story - 3-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 8th 2392 Story - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 7th 2060 Story - 2-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 7th 2596 Story - 2-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 12th 752 Story - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 11th 1832 Story - 2-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 12th 1180 Story - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 11th 2044 Story - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 23th 1760 Story - 1-3 Overcooked 2


3p 2020-06-22 Team Kevin's Companions improved their score from 1135 points to 1571 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 4th place).
3p 2020-05-29 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2348 points on 1-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-29 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1368 points on 1-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-27 Team Kevin's Companions improved their score from 1039 points to 1131 points on 6-5 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-05-27 Team Kevin's Companions improved their score from 1988 points to 2368 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 5th (improved from 6th place).
3p 2020-05-26 Team Kevin's Companions improved their score from 1872 points to 2168 points on 2-5 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place).
3p 2020-05-26 Team Kevin's Companions improved their score from 1164 points to 1428 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1656 points on 1-7 (Chinese New Year) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1297 points on 1-6 (Chinese New Year) and placed 4th.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1225 points on 1-5 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1824 points on 1-4 (Spring Festival) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1540 points on 1-3 (Spring Festival) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2100 points on 1-2 (Spring Festival) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1916 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1952 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 3336 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2468 points on 1-1 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1661 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1368 points on 1-4 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1573 points on 1-3 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1776 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2320 points on 1-1 (Chinese New Year) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1727 points on 1-5 (Christmas) and placed 4th.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2459 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2692 points on 1-2 (Christmas) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1333 points on 1-3 (Christmas) and placed 4th.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1532 points on 1-1 (Christmas) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1476 points on Tutorial (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1190 points on Kevin 8 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1651 points on Kevin 7 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1442 points on Kevin 6 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1532 points on Kevin 5 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1611 points on Kevin 4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1110 points on Kevin 3 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1980 points on Kevin 2 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2024 points on Kevin 1 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 3148 points on 1-2 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-23 Team Kevin's Companions scored 3724 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-19 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2076 points on 3-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions finished 6-6 (Story) with 07:31 remaining and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1039 points on 6-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1486 points on 6-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1746 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 909 points on 6-2 (Story) and placed 5th.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2012 points on 6-1 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2072 points on 5-6 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1043 points on 5-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1764 points on 5-4 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1135 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1988 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1828 points on 5-1 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1600 points on 4-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1436 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1564 points on 4-3 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1164 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1476 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 5th.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2392 points on 3-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1248 points on 3-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1916 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 4th.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1224 points on 4-5 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1612 points on 3-2 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2392 points on 3-1 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2060 points on 2-6 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1872 points on 2-5 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2596 points on 2-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 752 points on 2-3 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1832 points on 2-2 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1180 points on 2-1 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 2044 points on 1-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1760 points on 1-3 (Story) and placed 3rd.