Position | Player | Score | Video | Date |
1st | 玻纤路典狱长 | 1532 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1BS4y1x7kp?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=b45bf65d121560b662321d3ac7d0cffc | 2022-08-01 |
2nd | bird man birdman | 1440 | https://youtu.be/yutQ7gt-73c | 2021-09-14 |
3rd | Apple | 1368 | https://youtu.be/W3iaqHQjmB0 | 2019-10-29 |
4th | Titicha | 1356 | https://youtu.be/sgMe3LmV1o8 | 2019-07-29 |
5th | steeldaggerx | 852 | https://youtu.be/hJ3geG3V9Ks | 2020-06-29 |
6th | dog | 816 | https://youtu.be/o4HOAbNEsDw | 2020-05-08 |
7th | chilliChompa | 744 | https://youtu.be/cPmAllvR47Y | 2019-05-05 |
1p 2022-08-01 玻纤路典狱长 scored 1532 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
1p 2021-09-14 bird man birdman improved their score from 1420 points to 1440 points on 5-2 (Story). |
1p 2021-07-19 bird man birdman improved their score from 980 points to 1420 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place). |
1p 2020-08-19 bird man birdman improved their score from 936 points to 980 points on 5-2 (Story). |
1p 2020-08-16 bird man birdman scored 936 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
1p 2020-06-29 steeldaggerx scored 852 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
1p 2020-05-08 dog scored 816 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
1p 2019-10-29 Apple scored 1368 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
1p 2019-07-29 Titicha scored 1356 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
1p 2019-05-05 chilliChompa scored 744 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2024-10-27 Team 熊猫队 scored 3236 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2023-12-21 Team Larissa & Philip improved their score from 3052 points to 3144 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place). |
2p 2023-11-13 Team 침ぱんだ낭 scored 3144 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2023-10-29 Team Larissa & Philip improved their score from 3032 points to 3052 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place). |
2p 2023-10-19 Team -imomami- scored 2604 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
2p 2023-10-15 Team Larissa & Philip improved their score from 2920 points to 3032 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2023-09-23 Team Larissa & Philip scored 2920 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2023-06-27 Team Ayame hoho & Shik improved their score from 2664 points to 2736 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th (improved from 5th place). |
2p 2023-06-08 Team Ayame hoho & Valery scored 2276 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 13th. |
2p 2023-06-08 Team Ayame hoho & YuuLC improved their score from 2348 points to 2552 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th (improved from 11th place). |
2p 2023-04-22 Team Ayame hoho & YuuLC scored 2348 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 11th. |
2p 2023-01-23 Team o嘎 improved their score from 2920 points to 3124 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place). |
2p 2022-11-10 Team 笨笨真的只值個澪分 improved their score from 2960 points to 3032 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2022-08-07 Team o嘎 scored 2920 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2022-01-23 Team Ayame hoho & Shik scored 2664 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th. |
2p 2021-10-03 Team 笨笨真的只值個澪分 scored 2960 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2021-08-29 Team 지렁&우 scored 2164 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 13th. |
2p 2021-06-20 Team Ale&Eli scored 1928 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 16th. |
2p 2021-06-09 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 2256 points to 2328 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th (improved from 11th place). |
2p 2021-05-20 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 2216 points to 2256 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2021-05-18 Team Ayame hoho & Amy scored 1980 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 15th. |
2p 2021-04-28 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 2184 points to 2216 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2021-02-05 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 2144 points to 2184 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 11th (improved from 14th place). |
2p 2021-01-04 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 2052 points to 2144 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2021-01-02 Team 璇妹の苏烟 scored 2868 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2020-12-01 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 1960 points to 2052 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2020-11-22 Team Phest - Nhaaaaac scored 2256 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
2p 2020-10-25 Team The B.B. Team pets improved their score from 1796 points to 1960 points on 5-2 (Story). |
2p 2020-08-10 Team Loem improved their score from 2144 points to 2716 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 10th place). |
2p 2020-07-20 Team Gzou & Philip improved their score from 2572 points to 2644 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place). |
2p 2020-07-18 Team Gzou & Philip improved their score from 2420 points to 2572 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 6th place). |
2p 2020-07-08 Team D & 浮云 scored 2624 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2020-06-13 Team Mouse (The B.B team) & Miaaaaaaaaaa01 improved their score from 1868 points to 2164 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 7th (improved from 9th place). |
2p 2020-06-02 Team mini B.B team scored 2144 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 8th. |
2p 2020-05-31 Team The B.B. Team pets scored 1796 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
2p 2020-05-17 Team Mouse (The B.B team) & Miaaaaaaaaaa01 scored 1868 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 8th. |
2p 2020-05-11 Team 小恐龙&浮云 scored 2532 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2020-04-16 Team Gzou & Philip improved their score from 2236 points to 2420 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place). |
2p 2020-04-01 Team ぱすた&すぱ〜く scored 2256 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2020-03-21 Team Gzou & Philip improved their score from 2164 points to 2236 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 4th place). |
2p 2020-03-13 Team Gzou & Philip scored 2164 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th. |
2p 2019-12-04 Team 蛋蛋 兔子 scored 2552 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2019-08-10 Team Kirstie and Bubbles scored 2460 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2019-04-16 Team Team Turtles scored 1512 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
2p 2019-03-06 Team スキスキセンサー scored 2164 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
2p 2019-03-02 Team Loem scored 2144 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2022-08-17 Team Team Aiya scored 4288 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2022-08-13 Team D & Veri_Berri & 叶子 scored 3604 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2022-07-13 Team S/C/Ꮶ scored 3328 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2022-07-12 Team 吉吉辽 scored 3512 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2022-03-23 Team Ayame hoho, Valery & Tsubaki scored 2736 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
3p 2022-03-07 Team Ayame hoho, Shik & YuuLC scored 3196 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
3p 2021-07-05 Team Nofayca da, TURSH, & Cinthia scored 2256 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 12th. |
3p 2021-05-23 Team Ayame hoho, Paty and Valery scored 2572 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
3p 2021-05-10 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 3124 points to 3236 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place). |
3p 2021-05-05 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 2960 points to 3124 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd (improved from 5th place). |
3p 2021-05-02 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 2920 points to 2960 points on 5-2 (Story). |
3p 2020-11-30 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 2736 points to 2920 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 5th (improved from 8th place). |
3p 2020-09-04 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 2644 points to 2736 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 8th (improved from 9th place). |
3p 2020-08-24 Team The Furry B.B. Team improved their score from 2624 points to 2644 points on 5-2 (Story). |
3p 2020-08-15 Team The Furry B.B. Team scored 2624 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 8th. |
3p 2020-07-10 Team 相声演员拉闸车队 scored 3052 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2020-06-27 Team D & 璇妹 & 苏烟 scored 3216 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-06-17 Team #gojer scored 2388 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 6th. |
3p 2020-06-08 Team The Richard Special improved their score from 2940 points to 2960 points on 5-2 (Story). |
3p 2020-06-04 Team mini B.B team & Grandma scored 2868 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2020-05-27 Team Kevin's Companions improved their score from 1988 points to 2368 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 5th (improved from 6th place). |
3p 2020-05-26 Team The Richard Special improved their score from 2808 points to 2940 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 3rd place). |
3p 2020-05-25 Team D & Madeline & RoBrittany scored 2848 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-05-25 Team Furry B.B. & Grandma scored 2828 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2020-05-20 Team The Furry B.B. Team scored 2236 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
3p 2020-05-18 Team Kevin's Companions scored 1988 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
3p 2020-05-17 Team The Warks scored 1360 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
3p 2020-01-19 Team The Richard Special improved their score from 2644 points to 2808 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place). |
3p 2020-01-16 Team D & Madeline & Main scored 2696 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
3p 2019-12-19 Team The Richard Special scored 2644 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2024-10-12 Team 小倦&豆&爆&掉伞 scored 5156 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2023-11-01 Team 小小 & GUA & Genevieve & LULU scored 5268 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2023-10-17 Team 富婆妙妙屋 improved their score from 3216 points to 3716 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 24th (improved from 29th place). |
4p 2023-10-09 Team 冷沫De柚 scored 4656 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th. |
4p 2023-09-27 Team 富婆妙妙屋 scored 3216 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 28th. |
4p 2023-04-13 Team sugar & Genevieve & GUA & 糯米糍 scored 5156 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2023-02-18 Team 침낭&kk&ぱんだ&우주 scored 5064 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2023-01-09 Team 冷冷De周末 scored 4512 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2022-08-15 Team 冷雪Team沫 scored 4380 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 5th. |
4p 2022-04-12 Team Ayame hoho, YuuLC, Valery & Amy scored 3788 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 16th. |
4p 2022-04-08 Team 菠萝吃了叉烧包和可乐后变得笨笨的 scored 4992 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2021-11-15 Team ぴきらもざぷとら scored 4196 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 7th. |
4p 2021-10-31 Team Hep Gaming scored 1695 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 25th. |
4p 2021-10-06 Team Gosok Team scored 4236 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th. |
4p 2021-08-09 Team ぴきらもざぷなつ scored 3972 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 10th. |
4p 2021-08-03 Team 台日友好隊 scored 4084 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
4p 2021-07-24 Team Xiaocc ,田哥 ,Steele, JNTeen scored 3900 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
4p 2021-06-30 Team ぴっき scored 3808 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th. |
4p 2021-06-09 Team Ayame hoho, YuuLC, Valery and RedFoos scored 3512 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 14th. |
4p 2021-05-28 Team Nofayca da, snoo, Starunna, TURSH scored 2716 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 17th. |
4p 2021-05-14 Team The B.B. Team improved their score from 3532 points to 3736 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 9th (improved from 13th place). |
4p 2021-03-12 Team 穿梭在银河的火箭队 scored 4584 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2021-01-17 Team the mouse is eating dumplings! scored 4084 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 7th. |
4p 2021-01-17 Team 吉吉辽辽 scored 4492 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-12-01 Team The B.B team & Grandma improved their score from 3584 points to 3604 points on 5-2 (Story). |
4p 2020-11-30 Team The B.B. Team improved their score from 3420 points to 3532 points on 5-2 (Story). |
4p 2020-11-20 Team The B.B. Team improved their score from 3104 points to 3420 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 10th (improved from 11th place). |
4p 2020-09-19 Team 聰明明告訴笨笨雪人不會負責滅火 scored 4196 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2020-09-04 Team 雪人告訴笨笨小馬一點都不聰明明 improved their score from 3988 points to 4084 points on 5-2 (Story). |
4p 2020-09-02 Team 雪人告訴笨笨小馬一點都不聰明明 improved their score from 3808 points to 3988 points on 5-2 (Story). |
4p 2020-08-25 Team 雪人告訴笨笨小馬一點都不聰明明 scored 3808 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th. |
4p 2020-08-01 Team 笨笨的雪人和聰明明的meiko scored 3532 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 7th. |
4p 2020-07-24 Team LULU&小明&猛男&胖鱼 scored 4472 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-07-22 Team 相声演员拉闸车队 scored 4104 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
4p 2020-07-13 Team Team Dahane scored 1632 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 10th. |
4p 2020-07-09 Team 相声演员阿园拉闸刷分车队 scored 3696 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2020-06-04 Team The B.B team & Grandma scored 3584 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd. |
4p 2020-05-30 Team The B.B. Team scored 3104 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 4th. |
4p 2020-05-26 Team BB & Grandma scored 3032 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 5th. |
4p 2020-05-21 Team D & Madeline & Veri_Berri & 叶子 scored 3696 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 2nd. |
4p 2020-05-11 Team 小恐龙 scored 4196 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-04-27 Team Reggie kuo & Durian cat & Cindytzu & Chloechung12 scored 3124 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2020-02-20 Team D & lindasweetheart & Madeline & Shawn scored 3032 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2019-08-22 Team UES Chefs scored 2325 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |
4p 2019-06-05 Team Team TheTeaRex scored 1615 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 1st. |