腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 - Profile


Date Place Score Level
2023-03-20 2nd 08:34 Story 1 - The Peckening All You Can Eat
2023-03-20 3rd 519 Story 1 - 6-3 All You Can Eat
2023-03-20 3rd 1304 Story 1 - 3-1 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 4th 990 The Lost Morsel - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 4th 836 World Food Festival - 3-3 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 3rd 1079 World Food Festival - 2-1 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 3rd 2388 World Food Festival - 3-4 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 3rd 815 Story 1 - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2023-01-02 1st -90 Surf 'n' Turf - 2-3 All You Can Eat
2022-05-31 2nd 771 The Lost Morsel - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-05-24 2nd 499 The Lost Morsel - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2022-05-16 3rd 530 Story 1 - 5-5 All You Can Eat
2022-05-02 1st -150 Surf 'n' Turf - 3-4 All You Can Eat
2022-04-05 1st 489 Story 1 - 5-6 All You Can Eat
2022-04-05 1st 1228 Story 2 - 4-5 All You Can Eat
2022-03-08 1st 1079 Surf 'n' Turf - Kevin All You Can Eat
2022-02-28 2nd 1000 The Lost Morsel - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2020-08-21 3rd 1015 Surf 'n' Turf - Kevin Overcooked 2


1p 2023-03-20 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 08:34 remaining and placed 1st.
1p 2023-03-20 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 519 points on 6-3 (Story 1) and placed 2nd.
1p 2023-03-20 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 1304 points on 3-1 (Story 1) and placed 2nd.
1p 2023-01-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 990 points on 1-1 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2023-01-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 836 points on 3-3 (World Food Festival) and placed 4th.
1p 2023-01-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 1079 points on 2-1 (World Food Festival) and placed 2nd.
1p 2023-01-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 2388 points on 3-4 (World Food Festival) and placed 3rd.
1p 2023-01-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 815 points on 1-5 (Story 1) and placed 2nd.
1p 2023-01-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored -90 points on 2-3 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-05-31 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 771 points on 1-3 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2022-05-24 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 499 points on 1-5 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2022-05-16 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 530 points on 5-5 (Story 1) and placed 3rd.
1p 2022-05-02 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored -150 points on 3-4 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-04-05 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 489 points on 5-6 (Story 1) and placed 2nd.
1p 2022-04-05 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 1228 points on 4-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-03-08 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 1079 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
1p 2022-02-28 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 1000 points on 1-2 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-08-21 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 scored 1015 points on Kevin (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 2nd.