Position | Player | Time remaining | Video | Date |
1st | RedTh3Dogg0 | 09:37 | https://youtu.be/PATZ_9uzWlI | 2024-12-21 |
2nd | 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 | 08:34 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16s4y1L79c/ | 2023-03-20 |
3rd | ovkvifiars | 07:21 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1e44y1t7BF?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 | 2021-10-06 |
4th | Bingo4ni | 06:51 | https://youtu.be/ADYuqXKmKGE | 2022-01-11 |
1p 2024-12-21 RedTh3Dogg0 finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 09:37 remaining and placed 1st. |
1p 2023-03-20 腦袋進了H2O的雪人子 finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 08:34 remaining and placed 1st. |
1p 2022-01-11 Bingo4ni finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 06:51 remaining and placed 2nd. |
1p 2021-10-06 ovkvifiars finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 07:21 remaining and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Time remaining | Video | Date |
1st | D & 笨笨 | 11:50 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xL411c7Sn | 2022-01-14 |
2nd | vinceyan | 07:15 | https://youtu.be/YVFmX7UasmE | 2023-11-12 |
2p 2023-11-12 Team vinceyan finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 07:15 remaining and placed 2nd. |
2p 2022-01-14 Team D & 笨笨 improved their remaining time from 11:35 to 11:50 on The Peckening (Story 1). |
2p 2022-01-06 Team D & 笨笨 improved their remaining time from 11:07 to 11:35 on The Peckening (Story 1). |
2p 2021-12-27 Team D & 笨笨 finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 11:07 remaining and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Time remaining | Video | Date |
1st | Too Many Cooks | 10:06 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgVGvPXtEbo&t=2s | 2022-03-30 |
2nd | imabdesu | 09:51 | https://youtu.be/M8kymbJ8TWs | 2024-12-29 |
3p 2024-12-29 Team imabdesu finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 09:51 remaining and placed 2nd. |
3p 2022-03-30 Team Too Many Cooks finished The Peckening (Story 1) with 10:06 remaining and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Time remaining | Video | Date |
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