Position | Player | Score | Video | Date |
1st | 笨笨 | 938 | https://youtu.be/dVbaBZyPEd0 | 2022-01-25 |
2nd | Bingo4ni | 818 | https://youtu.be/Zqjzu3kssvg | 2022-01-22 |
3rd | 招兵买马 | 786 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KT4y1U79Y?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 | 2022-03-14 |
1p 2022-03-14 招兵买马 improved their score from 738 points to 786 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning). |
1p 2022-01-25 笨笨 scored 938 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
1p 2022-01-22 Bingo4ni scored 818 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
1p 2021-08-18 招兵买马 scored 738 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | D & 笨笨 | 1470 | https://youtu.be/80Asjurf1I0 | 2022-01-25 |
2nd | vinceyan | 886 | https://youtu.be/PpTgewB8tLs | 2024-10-14 |
3rd | 猪猪 | 877 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ySvzevErM/ | 2024-07-30 |
2p 2024-10-14 Team vinceyan scored 886 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2024-07-30 Team 猪猪 scored 877 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2022-01-25 Team D & 笨笨 improved their score from 1398 points to 1470 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning). |
2p 2022-01-18 Team D & 笨笨 improved their score from 1209 points to 1398 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning). |
2p 2021-11-27 Team D & 笨笨 improved their score from 1138 points to 1209 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning). |
2p 2021-05-26 Team D & 笨笨 scored 1138 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | imabdesu | 1082 | https://youtu.be/P2jojOK5byE | 2025-01-01 |
3p 2025-01-01 Team imabdesu scored 1082 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Überkochen | 871 | https://youtu.be/_FJWg1kv49Y | 2024-07-14 |
4p 2024-07-14 Team Überkochen scored 871 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |