1-2 (Birthday Party) Submit your score!

1 player scores

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Record history

1p 2024-11-27 Dobrý den, kozy ven improved their score from 1436 points to 1448 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party).
1p 2024-11-24 Dobrý den, kozy ven improved their score from 1344 points to 1436 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party).
1p 2024-11-24 Dobrý den, kozy ven scored 1344 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
1p 2023-03-07 Gary61150340 improved their score from 1320 points to 1332 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party).
1p 2023-03-05 Gary61150340 scored 1320 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
1p 2022-12-31 木木木 scored 874 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 4th.
1p 2022-11-03 Kiyo scored 1054 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
1p 2022-01-22 Bingo4ni scored 982 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
1p 2021-11-22 笨笨 scored 1332 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.

2 players scores

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Record history

2p 2024-01-01 Team 猪猪 scored 1253 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
2p 2023-06-28 Team Lady Baum & Milaleinchen scored 1170 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
2p 2023-03-08 Team vinceyan scored 1139 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 3rd.
2p 2021-12-16 Team 阿猫阿狗 scored 1165 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
2p 2021-11-22 Team 真假笨菠萝 scored 1688 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
2p 2021-11-11 Team The not so mini B.B. Team scored 1043 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.

3 players scores

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Record history

3p 2025-01-01 Team imabdesu scored 1361 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 2nd.
3p 2023-12-06 Team AngryLemon, Kekeagen, NomNom scored 1461 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
3p 2021-11-11 Team The Furry B.B. Team scored 1137 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.

4 players scores

Level preview


Record history

4p 2023-11-30 Team Überkochen improved their score from 1261 points to 1441 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party).
4p 2023-04-22 Team Ayame hoho, YuuLC, Valery & Amy scored 1441 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.
4p 2022-07-02 Team Überkochen scored 1261 points on 1-2 (Birthday Party) and placed 1st.