笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2020-07-18 9th 1171 Story - 6-2 Overcooked 2
2020-07-18 4th 1816 Story - 4-4 Overcooked 2
2020-07-11 4th 2988 Story - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2020-07-11 9th 1898 Story - 6-3 Overcooked 2
2020-07-10 8th 1376 Story - Kevin 8 Overcooked 2
2020-07-10 9th 2120 Story - Kevin 2 Overcooked 2
2020-07-10 7th 1757 Story - Kevin 5 Overcooked 2


4p 2020-07-18 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 1171 points on 6-2 (Story) and placed 1st.
4p 2020-07-18 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 1816 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
4p 2020-07-11 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 2988 points on 3-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
4p 2020-07-11 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 1898 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
4p 2020-07-10 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 1376 points on Kevin 8 (Story) and placed 2nd.
4p 2020-07-10 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 2120 points on Kevin 2 (Story) and placed 2nd.
4p 2020-07-10 Team 笨笨的皮卡和機器人都愛上了小辣椒 scored 1757 points on Kevin 5 (Story) and placed 1st.