笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2020-06-27 14th 1828 Night of the Hangry Horde - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-27 10th 2271 Night of the Hangry Horde - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-27 7th 3064 Winter Wonderland - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-06-27 6th 1357 Night of the Hangry Horde - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2020-06-27 1st 3904 Winter Wonderland - 1-3 Overcooked 2


3p 2020-06-27 Team 笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 scored 1828 points on 1-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-06-27 Team 笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 scored 2271 points on 2-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-06-27 Team 笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 scored 3064 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-27 Team 笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 scored 1357 points on Kevin 1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-06-27 Team 笨笨的小馬必須要積積陰陰德 scored 3904 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st.