2-4 (Story 2) Submit your score!

1 player scores

Position Player Score Video Date
1st 笨笨 2168 https://youtu.be/nB-tXdcOVJk 2022-02-01
2nd the_faded_memories 1409 https://youtu.be/k9kZaaaWg4c 2022-07-20

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Record history

1p 2022-07-20 the_faded_memories scored 1409 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 2nd.
1p 2022-02-01 笨笨 scored 2168 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.

2 players scores

Level preview


Record history

2p 2024-04-01 Team vinceyan scored 1770 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 3rd.
2p 2024-02-04 Team Sweetbandicoot scored 1800 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 2nd.
2p 2022-05-30 Team 阿猫阿狗 scored 2840 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.

3 players scores

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Record history

3p 2022-05-09 Team FallenToast scored 1788 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
3p 2022-01-06 Team KidReapers-3 scored 1785 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.

4 players scores

Level preview


Record history

4p 2023-11-26 Team Überkochen scored 2067 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
4p 2022-04-19 Team 一个东西全扔地上的厨房 scored 2058 points on 2-4 (Story 2) and placed 1st.