別笑! 我們就是白痴 - Profile


Team Players


Date Place Score Level
2019-08-01 6th 134 Festive Seasoning - 1-8 Overcooked
2019-08-01 5th 166 Story - 5-1 Overcooked
2019-08-01 8th 126 Story - 5-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 94 Story - 6-3 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 132 Story - 5-5 Overcooked
2019-08-01 5th 03:43 Story - The Peckening Overcooked
2019-08-01 7th 134 The Lost Morsel - 1-1 Overcooked
2019-08-01 5th 160 The Lost Morsel - 1-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 5th 118 The Lost Morsel - 1-4 Overcooked
2019-08-01 4th 94 The Lost Morsel - 1-5 Overcooked
2019-08-01 6th 108 The Lost Morsel - 1-6 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 162 Festive Seasoning - 1-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 6th 192 Festive Seasoning - 1-3 Overcooked
2019-08-01 7th 158 Festive Seasoning - 1-4 Overcooked
2019-08-01 11th 214 Festive Seasoning - 1-5 Overcooked
2019-08-01 5th 268 Festive Seasoning - 1-7 Overcooked
2019-08-01 11th 102 Story - 4-4 Overcooked
2019-08-01 6th 138 Story - 4-3 Overcooked
2019-08-01 7th 150 Story - 2-4 Overcooked
2019-08-01 10th 150 Story - 2-3 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 192 Story - 2-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 10th 242 Story - 2-1 Overcooked
2019-08-01 15th 176 Story - 1-6 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 192 Story - 1-5 Overcooked
2019-08-01 13th 260 Story - 1-4 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 196 Story - 1-3 Overcooked
2019-08-01 11th 194 Story - 1-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 8th 286 Story - 3-1 Overcooked
2019-08-01 7th 116 Story - 3-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 9th 120 Story - 1-1 Overcooked
2019-08-01 7th 190 Story - 4-2 Overcooked
2019-08-01 7th 202 Story - 3-4 Overcooked
2019-08-01 10th 164 Story - 3-3 Overcooked
2017-03-05 7th 272 Festive Seasoning - 1-6 Overcooked
2017-03-04 9th 194 Festive Seasoning - 1-1 Overcooked
2017-02-24 7th 166 The Lost Morsel - 1-3 Overcooked
2017-02-23 10th 200 Story - 6-4 Overcooked
2017-02-22 11th 200 Story - 6-2 Overcooked
2017-02-22 10th 140 Story - 6-1 Overcooked
2017-02-21 12th 68 Story - 5-6 Overcooked
2017-02-21 8th 124 Story - 5-4 Overcooked
2017-02-20 10th 168 Story - 5-3 Overcooked
2017-02-18 9th 150 Story - 4-1 Overcooked


1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 134 points on 1-8 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 166 points on 5-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 126 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 94 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 5th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 132 points on 5-5 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 finished The Peckening (Story) with 03:43 remaining and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 134 points on 1-1 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 160 points on 1-2 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 118 points on 1-4 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 94 points on 1-5 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 108 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 162 points on 1-2 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 192 points on 1-3 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 158 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 214 points on 1-5 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 5th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 268 points on 1-7 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 102 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 6th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 138 points on 4-3 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 150 points on 2-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 150 points on 2-3 (Story) and placed 5th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 192 points on 2-2 (Story) and placed 5th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 242 points on 2-1 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 176 points on 1-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 192 points on 1-5 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 260 points on 1-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 196 points on 1-3 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 194 points on 1-2 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 286 points on 3-1 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 116 points on 3-2 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 120 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 190 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 202 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 164 points on 3-3 (Story) and placed 6th.
1p 2017-03-05 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 272 points on 1-6 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd.
1p 2017-03-04 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 194 points on 1-1 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd.
1p 2017-02-24 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 166 points on 1-3 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2017-02-23 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 200 points on 6-4 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2017-02-22 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 200 points on 6-2 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2017-02-22 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 140 points on 6-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
1p 2017-02-21 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 68 points on 5-6 (Story) and placed 4th.
1p 2017-02-21 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 124 points on 5-4 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2017-02-20 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 168 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 2nd.
1p 2017-02-18 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 150 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.