1-6 (The Lost Morsel) Submit your score!

1 player scores

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Record history

1p 2022-01-17 TedrickSak scored 172 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2021-05-31 KimbryoLeo scored 142 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2020-05-03 dog scored 140 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 Overtyr scored 142 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
1p 2019-08-01 XsnipergirlX scored 116 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
1p 2019-08-01 別笑! 我們就是白痴 scored 108 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 3rd.

2 players scores

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Record history

2p 2019-08-01 Team Magnet and 0phelia scored 242 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 5th.
2p 2019-08-01 Team Colin Kelly scored 176 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 6th.
2p 2019-07-27 Team Noobs Couple scored 302 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 2nd.
2p 2019-07-01 Team Knead for Speed scored 244 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 3rd.
2p 2018-02-19 Team Loem scored 340 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.
2p 2017-09-30 Team Sheila and Justin scored 244 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.

3 players scores

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Record history

3p 2024-06-23 Team Kuba i Antek scored 104 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.

4 players scores

Position Team Score Video Date
1st Duke,Machimaro,Kiki,Puven 246 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1999507947 2023-12-11

Level preview


Record history

4p 2023-12-11 Team Duke,Machimaro,Kiki,Puven scored 246 points on 1-6 (The Lost Morsel) and placed 1st.