#gojer - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2020-07-13 6th 2952 Story - 3-6 Overcooked 2
2020-07-04 5th 1575 Story - 5-3 Overcooked 2
2020-07-04 6th 1928 Spring Festival - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2020-07-02 10th 1093 Story - 6-2 Overcooked 2
2020-06-30 3rd 1544 Story - 6-5 Overcooked 2
2020-06-30 24th 3308 Carnival of Chaos - 3-4 Overcooked 2
2020-06-23 5th 1860 Campfire Cook Off - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-23 8th 1836 Story - Kevin 7 Overcooked 2
2020-06-21 12th 1692 Story - Kevin 5 Overcooked 2
2020-06-21 11th 1252 Story - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2020-06-19 10th 2616 Story - 2-5 Overcooked 2
2020-06-17 16th 2388 Story - 5-2 Overcooked 2
2020-06-16 9th 2440 Story - 1-6 Overcooked 2
2020-06-15 10th 2090 Chinese New Year - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-15 4th 3136 Story - 2-6 Overcooked 2
2020-06-14 12th 1808 Christmas - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-13 8th 1558 Campfire Cook Off - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-13 8th 1327 Story - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-13 7th 1364 Story - 3-5 Overcooked 2
2020-06-13 12th 2164 Story - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2020-06-04 10th 1856 Story - Kevin 4 Overcooked 2
2020-06-01 9th 1905 Story - 6-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-31 7th 1399 Story - Kevin 8 Overcooked 2
2020-05-31 7th 1740 Story - 6-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-29 6th 2056 Story - 4-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-29 18th 1716 Story - 4-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-29 15th 2092 Story - Kevin 2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-29 12th 2136 Story - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-27 8th 3068 Christmas - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-27 9th 2136 Story - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-27 10th 1844 Story - 2-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-27 9th 1532 Story - 4-2 Overcooked 2
2020-05-25 10th 3880 Story - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-25 7th 2268 Story - 5-6 Overcooked 2
2020-05-25 11th 1488 Story - 4-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-25 5th 3176 Story - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2020-05-21 6th 1584 Story - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-18 5th 1227 Story - 5-5 Overcooked 2
2020-05-14 18th 2072 Story - 3-4 Overcooked 2
2020-05-13 2nd 2226 Surf 'n' Turf - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2020-05-03 6th 2680 Carnival of Chaos - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2020-04-30 11th 2436 Surf 'n' Turf - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-04-29 10th 2031 Night of the Hangry Horde - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2020-04-29 12th 2280 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2020-04-28 6th 2304 Carnival of Chaos - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2020-04-28 9th 3096 Carnival of Chaos - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2020-04-23 13th 3756 Carnival of Chaos - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2020-04-23 9th 2139 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2020-04-23 14th 3096 Carnival of Chaos - 1-3 Overcooked 2
2020-04-21 15th 3096 Carnival of Chaos - 2-4 Overcooked 2
2020-04-19 11th 2392 Carnival of Chaos - 2-3 Overcooked 2
2020-04-18 18th 3016 Carnival of Chaos - 3-2 Overcooked 2
2020-04-13 5th 2168 Night of the Hangry Horde - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2020-04-09 13th 2145 Chinese New Year - 1-5 Overcooked 2


3p 2020-07-13 Team #gojer improved their score from 2728 points to 2952 points on 3-6 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-07-04 Team #gojer improved their score from 1571 points to 1575 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-07-04 Team #gojer improved their score from 1744 points to 1928 points on 1-5 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-07-03 Team #gojer improved their score from 1471 points to 1571 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
3p 2020-07-02 Team #gojer scored 1093 points on 6-2 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-30 Team #gojer improved their score from 1304 points to 1544 points on 6-5 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-06-30 Team #gojer improved their score from 3176 points to 3308 points on 3-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 4th place).
3p 2020-06-29 Team #gojer scored 1744 points on 1-5 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-06-23 Team #gojer scored 1860 points on 3-3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-06-23 Team #gojer scored 1836 points on Kevin 7 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-06-22 Team #gojer improved their score from 1459 points to 1471 points on 5-3 (Story).
3p 2020-06-21 Team #gojer scored 1692 points on Kevin 5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-06-21 Team #gojer scored 1252 points on 2-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-19 Team #gojer scored 2616 points on 2-5 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-06-17 Team #gojer scored 2388 points on 5-2 (Story) and placed 6th.
3p 2020-06-16 Team #gojer scored 2440 points on 1-6 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-15 Team #gojer scored 2090 points on 1-3 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-06-15 Team #gojer scored 3136 points on 2-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-06-14 Team #gojer scored 1808 points on 1-3 (Christmas) and placed 4th.
3p 2020-06-13 Team #gojer scored 1558 points on Kevin 3 (Campfire Cook Off) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-13 Team #gojer scored 1327 points on Kevin 3 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-13 Team #gojer scored 1364 points on 3-5 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-06-13 Team #gojer scored 2164 points on 3-3 (Story) and placed 4th.
3p 2020-06-04 Team #gojer improved their score from 1621 points to 1856 points on Kevin 4 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-06-01 Team #gojer scored 1905 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-06-01 Team #gojer scored 1304 points on 6-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-31 Team #gojer scored 1399 points on Kevin 8 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-31 Team #gojer scored 1740 points on 6-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-29 Team #gojer scored 2056 points on 4-6 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-29 Team #gojer scored 1716 points on 4-3 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-29 Team #gojer scored 2092 points on Kevin 2 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-29 Team #gojer scored 2136 points on Kevin 1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-27 Team #gojer scored 3068 points on 1-4 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-27 Team #gojer scored 2136 points on 1-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-27 Team #gojer scored 1844 points on 2-2 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-27 Team #gojer improved their score from 1380 points to 1532 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-05-25 Team #gojer scored 3880 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-25 Team #gojer scored 1621 points on Kevin 4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-25 Team #gojer scored 2268 points on 5-6 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-25 Team #gojer scored 1488 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-25 Team #gojer scored 1380 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-25 Team #gojer scored 3176 points on 3-1 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-21 Team #gojer scored 1584 points on 2-3 (Story) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-05-18 Team #gojer scored 1227 points on 5-5 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-17 Team #gojer scored 1459 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-16 Team #gojer scored 2728 points on 3-6 (Story) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-14 Team #gojer scored 2072 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-05-13 Team #gojer improved their score from 2094 points to 2226 points on 3-3 (Surf 'n' Turf).
3p 2020-05-12 Team #gojer scored 2094 points on 3-3 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-05-03 Team #gojer improved their score from 2456 points to 2680 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-04-30 Team #gojer scored 2436 points on 1-3 (Surf 'n' Turf) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-04-29 Team #gojer scored 2031 points on 2-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-29 Team #gojer scored 2280 points on 3-1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-28 Team #gojer scored 2456 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-28 Team #gojer scored 2304 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-28 Team #gojer improved their score from 2964 points to 3096 points on 3-3 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-27 Team #gojer improved their score from 2652 points to 2964 points on 3-3 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-23 Team #gojer improved their score from 3492 points to 3756 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-23 Team #gojer improved their score from 2469 points to 2652 points on 3-3 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-23 Team #gojer improved their score from 1876 points to 2139 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-23 Team #gojer improved their score from 2760 points to 3096 points on 1-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd (improved from 3rd place).
3p 2020-04-21 Team #gojer improved their score from 2700 points to 3096 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st (improved from 2nd place).
3p 2020-04-19 Team #gojer scored 2392 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-19 Team #gojer improved their score from 2556 points to 2700 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-18 Team #gojer improved their score from 2976 points to 3016 points on 3-2 (Carnival of Chaos).
3p 2020-04-17 Team #gojer scored 2556 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 2nd.
3p 2020-04-15 Team #gojer scored 2760 points on 1-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-04-15 Team #gojer scored 2976 points on 3-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-04-13 Team #gojer scored 2469 points on 3-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-13 Team #gojer scored 2168 points on 2-1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-11 Team #gojer scored 3492 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-04-10 Team #gojer scored 3176 points on 3-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 3rd.
3p 2020-04-09 Team #gojer scored 2145 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
3p 2020-03-28 Team #gojer scored 1876 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.