狼蕉 - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2024-09-03 14th 1004 Story - Tutorial Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 14th 990 Story - Kevin 8 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 25th 1347 Story - Kevin 7 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 22th 1221 Story - Kevin 6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 18th 1251 Story - Kevin 5 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 18th 1161 Story - Kevin 4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 17th 868 Story - Kevin 3 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 26th 1384 Story - Kevin 2 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 29th 1736 Story - Kevin 1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 14th 07:07 Story - 6-6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 20th 1216 Story - 6-4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 13th 1255 Story - 6-3 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 23th 889 Story - 6-2 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 12th 1560 Story - 6-1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 18th 1636 Story - 5-6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 16th 1215 Story - 5-5 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 10th 1528 Story - 5-4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 21th 1129 Story - 5-3 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 28th 1113 Story - 5-1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 16th 1376 Story - 4-6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 22th 1176 Story - 4-5 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 17th 1248 Story - 4-4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 25th 1208 Story - 4-3 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 24th 1176 Story - 4-2 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 26th 1116 Story - 4-1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 19th 1799 Story - 3-6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 22th 860 Story - 3-5 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 26th 1382 Story - 3-4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 23th 1511 Story - 3-3 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 19th 2952 Story - 3-1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 22th 2060 Story - 2-6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 20th 1364 Story - 2-5 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 25th 2012 Story - 2-4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 18th 1242 Story - 2-2 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 30th 872 Story - 2-1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 30th 1784 Story - 1-6 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 16th 1152 Story - 1-5 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 30th 1247 Story - 1-4 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 30th 2412 Story - 1-2 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 30th 3204 Story - 1-1 Overcooked 2
2024-09-03 22th 1120 Story - 2-3 Overcooked 2


2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1004 points on Tutorial (Story) and placed 14th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 990 points on Kevin 8 (Story) and placed 14th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1347 points on Kevin 7 (Story) and placed 25th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1221 points on Kevin 6 (Story) and placed 22th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1251 points on Kevin 5 (Story) and placed 18th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1161 points on Kevin 4 (Story) and placed 18th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 868 points on Kevin 3 (Story) and placed 17th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1384 points on Kevin 2 (Story) and placed 26th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1736 points on Kevin 1 (Story) and placed 29th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 finished 6-6 (Story) with 07:07 remaining and placed 14th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1216 points on 6-4 (Story) and placed 20th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1255 points on 6-3 (Story) and placed 13th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 889 points on 6-2 (Story) and placed 22th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1560 points on 6-1 (Story) and placed 12th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1636 points on 5-6 (Story) and placed 18th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1215 points on 5-5 (Story) and placed 16th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1528 points on 5-4 (Story) and placed 10th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1129 points on 5-3 (Story) and placed 20th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1113 points on 5-1 (Story) and placed 28th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1376 points on 4-6 (Story) and placed 16th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1176 points on 4-5 (Story) and placed 22th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1248 points on 4-4 (Story) and placed 17th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1208 points on 4-3 (Story) and placed 25th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1176 points on 4-2 (Story) and placed 24th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1116 points on 4-1 (Story) and placed 26th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1799 points on 3-6 (Story) and placed 19th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 860 points on 3-5 (Story) and placed 22th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1382 points on 3-4 (Story) and placed 24th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1511 points on 3-3 (Story) and placed 23th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 2952 points on 3-1 (Story) and placed 19th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 2060 points on 2-6 (Story) and placed 22th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1364 points on 2-5 (Story) and placed 20th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 2012 points on 2-4 (Story) and placed 25th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1242 points on 2-2 (Story) and placed 18th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 872 points on 2-1 (Story) and placed 30th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1784 points on 1-6 (Story) and placed 30th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1152 points on 1-5 (Story) and placed 16th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1247 points on 1-4 (Story) and placed 30th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 2412 points on 1-2 (Story) and placed 30th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 3204 points on 1-1 (Story) and placed 30th.
2p 2024-09-03 Team 狼蕉 scored 1120 points on 2-3 (Story) and placed 21th.