Position | Player | Score | Video | Date |
1st | dog | 1832 | https://youtu.be/RgJmdkNOcqQ | 2022-02-14 |
2nd | くまりゃふか | 1248 | https://youtu.be/g9XbOM7ST-k | 2024-09-01 |
1p 2024-09-01 くまりゃふか scored 1248 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 2nd. |
1p 2022-02-14 dog scored 1832 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Ayame hoho & Shik | 2392 | https://youtu.be/Cq512T2_itk | 2021-09-22 |
2nd | 猪猪 | 1875 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14vWKe2E3K/ | 2024-08-18 |
3rd | Sweetbandicoot | 1784 | https://youtu.be/3HRY9104AZo?si=Iuws6A43WMZZ_yA8 | 2024-02-04 |
4th | vinceyan | 1591 | https://youtu.be/119hxuY5FbQ | 2024-08-25 |
2p 2024-08-25 Team vinceyan scored 1591 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 4th. |
2p 2024-08-18 Team 猪猪 scored 1875 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2024-02-04 Team Sweetbandicoot scored 1784 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2021-09-22 Team Ayame hoho & Shik scored 2392 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Ayame hoho, Shik & Valery | 2952 | https://youtu.be/a_SIxjfgfqE | 2021-12-31 |
2nd | imabdesu | 2168 | https://youtu.be/6Fhd1LB0PlA | 2025-01-01 |
3rd | FallenToast | 1469 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ira33XHcCcE | 2022-05-09 |
3p 2025-01-01 Team imabdesu scored 2168 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2022-05-09 Team FallenToast scored 1469 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 2nd. |
3p 2021-12-31 Team Ayame hoho, Shik & Valery scored 2952 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Überkochen | 1755 | https://youtu.be/lNyX2Kaecuo | 2023-11-26 |
2nd | 一个东西全扔地上的厨房 | 1658 | https://youtu.be/s21qQEa22Wo | 2022-04-19 |
3rd | meme team | 1468 | https://youtu.be/cXTyN3L4x-U | 2022-02-14 |
4p 2023-11-26 Team Überkochen scored 1755 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st. |
4p 2022-04-19 Team 一个东西全扔地上的厨房 scored 1658 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st. |
4p 2022-02-14 Team meme team scored 1468 points on 2-5 (Story 2) and placed 1st. |