Position | Player | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Dobrý den, kozy ven | 1051 | https://youtu.be/uTPFPXzRnNM | 2024-11-02 |
2nd | Gary61150340 | 971 | https://youtu.be/JN18Ejk2Avg | 2023-08-30 |
3rd | 招兵买马 | 953 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UW4y1X76J/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=23bdcb893069a77a8a3c4ef6e6da5c99 | 2023-06-09 |
4th | 我便化乌有 | 945 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xv4y1g7h4/ | 2022-06-24 |
5th | Bingo4ni | 761 | https://youtu.be/TmPRa_X2bVY | 2022-01-08 |
1p 2024-11-02 Dobrý den, kozy ven scored 1051 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
1p 2023-08-30 Gary61150340 scored 971 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
1p 2023-06-09 招兵买马 scored 953 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
1p 2022-06-24 我便化乌有 scored 945 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
1p 2022-01-08 Bingo4ni scored 761 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | D & 笨笨 | 1768 | https://youtu.be/NsKDHA1Jl8Y | 2021-05-26 |
2nd | 猪猪 | 1347 | https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RE8eeXETg/ | 2024-07-23 |
3rd | vinceyan | 1247 | https://youtu.be/gq79A8eatR0 | 2024-05-29 |
4th | Team Clark | 1221 | https://youtu.be/OqQveD84or8 | 2022-10-05 |
2p 2024-07-23 Team 猪猪 scored 1347 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2024-05-29 Team vinceyan scored 1247 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2022-10-05 Team Team Clark scored 1221 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 2nd. |
2p 2021-05-26 Team D & 笨笨 scored 1768 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | imabdesu | 1607 | https://youtu.be/4_5rZ1TabZw | 2025-01-01 |
3p 2025-01-01 Team imabdesu scored 1607 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |
Position | Team | Score | Video | Date |
1st | Überkochen | 1521 | https://youtu.be/Z6TMeQpejMI | 2023-08-13 |
4p 2023-08-13 Team Überkochen scored 1521 points on 1-4 (Festive Seasoning) and placed 1st. |