Legend of the Pigs - Team Profile



Date Place Score Level
2022-03-27 2nd 2392 Story 2 - Kevin 1 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 4th 1270 Christmas - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 4th 2111 Christmas - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 7th 1024 Christmas - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 2nd 2081 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 4th 2372 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 5th 1567 Carnival of Chaos - Kevin 1 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 6th 1791 Carnival of Chaos - 3-4 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 5th 2031 Carnival of Chaos - 3-3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-10 6th 1908 Carnival of Chaos - 2-3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-06 4th 1512 Carnival of Chaos - 2-1 All You Can Eat
2022-03-06 4th 1182 Spring Festival - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2022-03-06 5th 1344 Spring Festival - 1-4 All You Can Eat
2022-03-06 5th 1441 Spring Festival - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-05 5th 1548 Spring Festival - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-05 5th 1256 Spring Festival - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 4th 1287 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 5th 2208 Carnival of Chaos - 2-4 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 4th 1852 Carnival of Chaos - 2-2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 6th 2112 Carnival of Chaos - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 4th 1336 Carnival of Chaos - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 2nd 1768 Chinese New Year - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 2nd 1488 Night of the Hangry Horde - Kevin 3 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 1st 1167 Night of the Hangry Horde - Kevin 2 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 5th 1131 Night of the Hangry Horde - Kevin 1 All You Can Eat
2022-03-02 4th 2054 Winter Wonderland - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-02-27 5th 1579 Night of the Hangry Horde - 3-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-27 5th 1190 Night of the Hangry Horde - 2-2 All You Can Eat
2022-02-27 7th 1512 Night of the Hangry Horde - 2-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-27 3rd 1708 Night of the Hangry Horde - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-02-27 3rd 1940 Winter Wonderland - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2022-02-21 5th 1767 Chinese New Year - 1-5 All You Can Eat
2022-02-21 1st 1700 Chinese New Year - 1-3 All You Can Eat
2022-02-21 8th 2684 Story 2 - 1-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-14 8th 2228 Story 2 - 1-2 All You Can Eat
2022-02-14 4th 2964 Carnival of Chaos - 3-1 All You Can Eat
2022-02-14 6th 2172 Carnival of Chaos - 1-4 All You Can Eat
2022-02-13 5th 1776 Carnival of Chaos - 1-1 All You Can Eat


2p 2022-03-27 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2392 points on Kevin 1 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1270 points on 1-3 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2111 points on 1-2 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1024 points on 1-1 (Christmas) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2081 points on Kevin 3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2372 points on Kevin 2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1567 points on Kevin 1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1791 points on 3-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2031 points on 3-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-10 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1908 points on 2-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-06 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1512 points on 2-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-06 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1182 points on 1-5 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-06 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1344 points on 1-4 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-06 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1441 points on 1-3 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-05 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1548 points on 1-2 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-05 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1256 points on 1-1 (Spring Festival) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1287 points on 3-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2208 points on 2-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1852 points on 2-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2112 points on 1-3 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1336 points on 1-2 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1768 points on 1-2 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1488 points on Kevin 3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1167 points on Kevin 2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1131 points on Kevin 1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-03-02 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2054 points on 1-3 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-27 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1579 points on 3-1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-27 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1190 points on 2-2 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-27 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1512 points on 2-1 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-27 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1708 points on 1-3 (Night of the Hangry Horde) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-27 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1940 points on 1-5 (Winter Wonderland) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-21 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1767 points on 1-5 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-21 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1700 points on 1-3 (Chinese New Year) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-21 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2684 points on 1-1 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-14 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2228 points on 1-2 (Story 2) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-14 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2964 points on 3-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-14 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 2172 points on 1-4 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.
2p 2022-02-13 Team Legend of the Pigs scored 1776 points on 1-1 (Carnival of Chaos) and placed 1st.